1 00:00:03,040 --> 00:00:07,759 okay you say that like it's a bad 2 00:00:05,960 --> 00:00:10,759 thing we 3 00:00:07,759 --> 00:00:10,759 AIO 4 00:00:12,960 --> 00:00:17,519 fzy the 5 00:00:15,000 --> 00:00:19,719 video understand the video was Fuzzy so 6 00:00:17,519 --> 00:00:23,320 they redid it 7 00:00:19,719 --> 00:00:28,479 restart so we had to wait 8 00:00:23,320 --> 00:00:28,480 for our Deputy clerk here Terry 9 00:00:49,759 --> 00:00:55,878 good job thank you Terry thank you 10 00:00:54,039 --> 00:00:58,960 Terry well 11 00:00:55,878 --> 00:01:01,640 done all right I'll uh call the meeting 12 00:00:58,960 --> 00:01:04,640 to order and and we'll stand for the 13 00:01:01,640 --> 00:01:04,640 Pledge of Allegiance 14 00:01:06,239 --> 00:01:13,039 please I pledge of Alle to the flag of 15 00:01:10,079 --> 00:01:16,640 the United States of America and to the 16 00:01:13,040 --> 00:01:20,159 Republic for which it stands one nation 17 00:01:16,640 --> 00:01:23,840 under God indivisible with libery and 18 00:01:20,159 --> 00:01:23,840 justice for all 19 00:01:30,519 --> 00:01:37,679 call P please sure GRE cens here 20 00:01:34,478 --> 00:01:41,519 Jennifer Eden here Sarah dolman Jersey 21 00:01:37,680 --> 00:01:46,159 here Herman Ferguson here Dean HW here 22 00:01:41,519 --> 00:01:49,280 Chris Reta here Pam mler 23 00:01:46,159 --> 00:01:53,359 here all right thank 24 00:01:49,280 --> 00:01:56,000 you all right uh call for the approval 25 00:01:53,359 --> 00:01:59,159 of the agenda 26 00:01:56,000 --> 00:02:01,599 um I do have some amendments I would 27 00:01:59,159 --> 00:02:06,359 like to make to 28 00:02:01,599 --> 00:02:10,799 it uh I would like to scratch number 29 00:02:06,359 --> 00:02:14,080 four and I would like to apologize to 30 00:02:10,800 --> 00:02:17,599 the PC board and the Township board that 31 00:02:14,080 --> 00:02:19,280 is not the way to uh have a discussion 32 00:02:17,598 --> 00:02:24,159 between the two 33 00:02:19,280 --> 00:02:26,360 boards I would uh like to change the 34 00:02:24,159 --> 00:02:30,439 verbiage on number 35 00:02:26,360 --> 00:02:33,879 five to discuss 36 00:02:30,439 --> 00:02:39,400 the Township's current 37 00:02:33,878 --> 00:02:42,639 position regarding wind battery solar 38 00:02:39,400 --> 00:02:46,158 the ordinances and the master plan like 39 00:02:42,639 --> 00:02:48,399 to bring uh the the board and the 40 00:02:46,158 --> 00:02:50,318 residents up to date on where we're at 41 00:02:48,400 --> 00:02:53,719 in relation to 42 00:02:50,318 --> 00:02:58,518 that uh number I don't want to change 43 00:02:53,719 --> 00:02:58,519 number six I want to add number seven 44 00:03:00,158 --> 00:03:06,359 slow me down if I'm going too fast you 45 00:03:03,318 --> 00:03:10,158 good good okay uh I want to add number 46 00:03:06,360 --> 00:03:13,159 seven the uh Michigan mariju uh medical 47 00:03:10,158 --> 00:03:13,158 marijuana 48 00:03:13,878 --> 00:03:22,719 moratorium extend that number eight the 49 00:03:19,719 --> 00:03:22,719 extraction 50 00:03:23,280 --> 00:03:30,519 moratorium extend 51 00:03:26,598 --> 00:03:33,679 that uh number nine 52 00:03:30,519 --> 00:03:38,840 accept John 53 00:03:33,680 --> 00:03:38,840 whis's resignation from the board of 54 00:03:42,598 --> 00:03:47,399 review number 10 uh 55 00:03:47,878 --> 00:03:51,759 recommend a 56 00:03:49,840 --> 00:03:53,519 replacement 57 00:03:51,759 --> 00:03:56,840 Nicole 58 00:03:53,519 --> 00:04:01,719 fleckenstein for his 59 00:03:56,840 --> 00:04:01,719 replacement and then number 11 60 00:04:03,639 --> 00:04:11,639 recommend Perry green as a alternate for 61 00:04:08,199 --> 00:04:14,238 that board so we don't get caught in the 62 00:04:11,639 --> 00:04:14,238 position we're 63 00:04:19,918 --> 00:04:26,279 in that's it I'm looking for an approval 64 00:04:23,800 --> 00:04:26,280 for that 65 00:04:26,319 --> 00:04:30,639 agenda so move to approve the agenda as 66 00:04:29,519 --> 00:04:33,399 a 67 00:04:30,639 --> 00:04:36,560 amended that's a lot of changes at the 68 00:04:33,399 --> 00:04:38,679 table half of which I knew nothing about 69 00:04:36,560 --> 00:04:43,800 um a lot of this stuff just 70 00:04:38,680 --> 00:04:47,319 happened in the last day or 71 00:04:43,800 --> 00:04:50,600 two so I I know and I don't know how 72 00:04:47,319 --> 00:04:55,680 we're voting to approve recommended 73 00:04:50,600 --> 00:04:55,680 appointments people I know nothing about 74 00:04:55,800 --> 00:05:04,280 well the Board review is is really my 75 00:05:01,720 --> 00:05:08,440 responsibility and 76 00:05:04,279 --> 00:05:11,319 um I feel that these recommendations 77 00:05:08,439 --> 00:05:15,120 are are excellent 78 00:05:11,319 --> 00:05:18,879 recommendations um I've got a staff that 79 00:05:15,120 --> 00:05:22,759 has helped me confirm him 80 00:05:18,879 --> 00:05:26,439 so I mean we can move forward with it or 81 00:05:22,759 --> 00:05:26,439 we could drag it out I'll 82 00:05:27,879 --> 00:05:32,918 support I'm I'm not comfortable not even 83 00:05:30,839 --> 00:05:34,799 talking to the to an appointee or having 84 00:05:32,918 --> 00:05:38,038 them show up to this 85 00:05:34,800 --> 00:05:40,639 meeting isn't there isn't there a policy 86 00:05:38,038 --> 00:05:45,360 for process of appointment that's what I 87 00:05:40,639 --> 00:05:49,600 thought I invited uh both of them Nikki 88 00:05:45,360 --> 00:05:52,560 is here so I mean when we get to that 89 00:05:49,600 --> 00:05:55,160 point I think she's I asked her she 90 00:05:52,560 --> 00:05:57,879 would be here to answer any of your 91 00:05:55,160 --> 00:06:00,199 questions I do have an application for 92 00:05:57,879 --> 00:06:02,519 each of them for each one one of you if 93 00:06:00,199 --> 00:06:03,240 you'd like that I can pass that out 94 00:06:02,519 --> 00:06:05,639 right 95 00:06:03,240 --> 00:06:08,960 now can someone confirm if there's a 96 00:06:05,639 --> 00:06:11,560 board policy the process that we work 97 00:06:08,959 --> 00:06:14,439 through for all appointments or is that 98 00:06:11,560 --> 00:06:17,478 only applicable to certain 99 00:06:14,439 --> 00:06:19,680 appointments I believe for just 100 00:06:17,478 --> 00:06:21,359 Commissioners so that policy is for the 101 00:06:19,680 --> 00:06:22,478 Planning Commission it's not for board 102 00:06:21,360 --> 00:06:24,919 of 103 00:06:22,478 --> 00:06:28,199 review I I 104 00:06:24,918 --> 00:06:30,399 couldn't Chu I don't know if we have a 105 00:06:28,199 --> 00:06:32,720 policy on that or not 106 00:06:30,399 --> 00:06:35,839 the standard policy is according to the 107 00:06:32,720 --> 00:06:38,120 manual of page 94 that they do not have 108 00:06:35,839 --> 00:06:40,478 to post for the position nor do they 109 00:06:38,120 --> 00:06:44,199 have the interview is discretion of the 110 00:06:40,478 --> 00:06:46,399 supervisor go point it 111 00:06:44,199 --> 00:06:50,120 right that's the 112 00:06:46,399 --> 00:06:51,359 policy that's the MTA rule that is not 113 00:06:50,120 --> 00:06:53,879 the board we don't have one that 114 00:06:51,360 --> 00:06:55,479 overrides that that's the one we go by 115 00:06:53,879 --> 00:06:57,598 well maybe someone should confirm that 116 00:06:55,478 --> 00:07:00,240 we don't have one and if we do it should 117 00:06:57,598 --> 00:07:02,000 be followed and they may excellent 118 00:07:00,240 --> 00:07:03,840 candidates so if those folks are here 119 00:07:02,000 --> 00:07:06,680 it's not directed at you 120 00:07:03,839 --> 00:07:09,079 personally it's just 121 00:07:06,680 --> 00:07:12,199 difficult to not have the information 122 00:07:09,079 --> 00:07:12,199 that we need to 123 00:07:12,800 --> 00:07:16,680 have how urgent is the situation to have 124 00:07:15,918 --> 00:07:18,719 them 125 00:07:16,680 --> 00:07:21,918 appointed could it not wait until the 126 00:07:18,720 --> 00:07:26,960 next board meeting well I discussed that 127 00:07:21,918 --> 00:07:30,038 with um our tax assessors and they were 128 00:07:26,959 --> 00:07:33,878 like adamant about having to have some 129 00:07:30,038 --> 00:07:37,360 someone in place the first of the 130 00:07:33,879 --> 00:07:41,280 year and quite honestly it is the 131 00:07:37,360 --> 00:07:44,319 supervisor's statutory 132 00:07:41,279 --> 00:07:48,119 Duty he's responsible for 133 00:07:44,319 --> 00:07:50,479 those appointments and the tax assessing 134 00:07:48,120 --> 00:07:52,918 in this Township that is my one of my 135 00:07:50,478 --> 00:07:55,800 statutory 136 00:07:52,918 --> 00:07:59,639 duties so I I have to have these people 137 00:07:55,800 --> 00:08:03,639 in place the first of the year 138 00:07:59,639 --> 00:08:06,158 I I apologize for the last minute 139 00:08:03,639 --> 00:08:08,598 but we just well and you can't foresee 140 00:08:06,158 --> 00:08:11,439 resignation I understand that I mean 141 00:08:08,598 --> 00:08:14,639 that's why I asked if it was urgent 142 00:08:11,439 --> 00:08:18,759 timing so I I 143 00:08:14,639 --> 00:08:22,478 wanted to drag it out to January 7th 144 00:08:18,759 --> 00:08:22,479 but it's not 145 00:08:24,279 --> 00:08:29,038 recommended I mean I I'm only one voice 146 00:08:26,839 --> 00:08:32,279 here if you want to drag it out but I I 147 00:08:29,038 --> 00:08:32,279 don't think it's the wise 148 00:08:37,120 --> 00:08:45,839 idea I'm less offended by the um you 149 00:08:41,320 --> 00:08:48,519 know the the fact that uh well surprise 150 00:08:45,839 --> 00:08:50,440 of course is always especially because I 151 00:08:48,519 --> 00:08:52,440 didn't get any notice but I've been 152 00:08:50,440 --> 00:08:55,320 highly criticized for not notifying 153 00:08:52,440 --> 00:08:58,279 people and so this uh this is something 154 00:08:55,320 --> 00:08:59,959 that's uh very offensive however to to 155 00:08:58,278 --> 00:09:01,519 the due cause 156 00:08:59,958 --> 00:09:03,679 of ensuring that we have to have 157 00:09:01,519 --> 00:09:05,919 somebody assigned I want to make sure 158 00:09:03,679 --> 00:09:09,000 that you amend that to ensure that we 159 00:09:05,919 --> 00:09:10,958 have the person who were that you're 160 00:09:09,000 --> 00:09:13,000 recommending come up here for questions 161 00:09:10,958 --> 00:09:15,639 at least give her a little bit of a 162 00:09:13,000 --> 00:09:17,240 statement of why they would uh like this 163 00:09:15,639 --> 00:09:21,958 position so that we can at least have 164 00:09:17,240 --> 00:09:24,519 some not not blind uh trust in that 165 00:09:21,958 --> 00:09:24,518 during this 166 00:09:24,679 --> 00:09:31,719 meeting Nico Nicole yes here you go 167 00:09:29,519 --> 00:09:31,720 thank 168 00:09:31,839 --> 00:09:38,279 you well I I think he just wants to know 169 00:09:35,200 --> 00:09:40,560 you're you're you're available not quite 170 00:09:38,278 --> 00:09:42,399 well we'll call you up when we get to 171 00:09:40,559 --> 00:09:44,719 that that point in the agenda I just 172 00:09:42,399 --> 00:09:47,839 need to get it on the agenda I want to 173 00:09:44,720 --> 00:09:51,800 make sure you're okay with it thank you 174 00:09:47,839 --> 00:09:54,640 see she's here she's no I I I understand 175 00:09:51,799 --> 00:09:54,639 your concern 176 00:09:57,120 --> 00:10:01,959 Chris I think you have support for uh 177 00:10:02,159 --> 00:10:08,360 yes all in favor I I any 178 00:10:08,639 --> 00:10:13,919 oppose all right the agenda will carry 179 00:10:11,519 --> 00:10:13,919 as 180 00:10:15,200 --> 00:10:22,160 amended all right I'm looking for 181 00:10:17,759 --> 00:10:22,159 approval on the consent 182 00:10:22,679 --> 00:10:28,319 agenda the uh board minutes the 183 00:10:25,480 --> 00:10:31,720 treasures report Clerk's 184 00:10:28,320 --> 00:10:34,278 warrant make make a 185 00:10:31,720 --> 00:10:35,959 motion a 186 00:10:34,278 --> 00:10:38,958 second 187 00:10:35,958 --> 00:10:42,278 support all in favor 188 00:10:38,958 --> 00:10:42,278 I any 189 00:10:42,759 --> 00:10:46,838 oppose all right uh 190 00:10:50,320 --> 00:10:58,079 Communications any questions no I 191 00:10:54,360 --> 00:11:01,200 do um on the Livingston County Sheriff 192 00:10:58,078 --> 00:11:02,719 report um I noticed that the month of 193 00:11:01,200 --> 00:11:05,680 November there was a pretty steep 194 00:11:02,720 --> 00:11:10,519 increase in uh events that took place at 195 00:11:05,679 --> 00:11:13,159 9% up to 121 events um I do know that 196 00:11:10,519 --> 00:11:16,120 you know there's there's not sure how 197 00:11:13,159 --> 00:11:17,759 that was from the same time last year uh 198 00:11:16,120 --> 00:11:20,120 in other words November of last year 199 00:11:17,759 --> 00:11:22,120 there's no trending provided for that 200 00:11:20,120 --> 00:11:24,679 but there's also no trending on the type 201 00:11:22,120 --> 00:11:28,240 of events that took place is it possible 202 00:11:24,679 --> 00:11:30,838 to request in the next report that the 203 00:11:28,240 --> 00:11:33,200 Sheriff's Office if it's possible to 204 00:11:30,839 --> 00:11:37,240 provide the a little bit more trending 205 00:11:33,200 --> 00:11:39,680 detail on the actual event types um and 206 00:11:37,240 --> 00:11:42,039 uh just uh how this compared to the 207 00:11:39,679 --> 00:11:45,078 previous time 208 00:11:42,039 --> 00:11:46,759 uh I'm not sure I mean 9% increase of 209 00:11:45,078 --> 00:11:50,439 events from the sheriff seems pretty 210 00:11:46,759 --> 00:11:55,958 high and 5% from the state police as 211 00:11:50,440 --> 00:11:55,959 well so just curious 212 00:12:00,399 --> 00:12:04,480 all 213 00:12:01,839 --> 00:12:07,440 right we can uh talk to the Sheriff's 214 00:12:04,480 --> 00:12:07,440 about that right 215 00:12:08,278 --> 00:12:13,480 thanks any other questions or 216 00:12:15,198 --> 00:12:18,439 concerns all 217 00:12:18,679 --> 00:12:23,958 right gu we'll move 218 00:12:20,879 --> 00:12:28,720 into have to place was file move to 219 00:12:23,958 --> 00:12:28,719 place okay move to place those on file 220 00:12:30,320 --> 00:12:36,278 so I'll move to place number 1 through 221 00:12:32,799 --> 00:12:40,278 four Communications on file 222 00:12:36,278 --> 00:12:43,559 support all in favor I 223 00:12:40,278 --> 00:12:43,559 I no 224 00:12:44,600 --> 00:12:48,959 oppose all right public 225 00:12:50,399 --> 00:12:56,480 remarks any questions concerns the audio 226 00:12:54,159 --> 00:13:00,319 you guys turn the audio 227 00:12:56,480 --> 00:13:02,759 off how about now I get a little closer 228 00:13:00,320 --> 00:13:02,760 still the 229 00:13:04,639 --> 00:13:08,759 same we got it as loud as 230 00:13:16,078 --> 00:13:22,519 possible I'm not sure we 231 00:13:19,159 --> 00:13:24,439 can yeah yeah I I think the volume is 232 00:13:22,519 --> 00:13:26,240 what the volume 233 00:13:24,440 --> 00:13:29,839 is 234 00:13:26,240 --> 00:13:32,720 or maybe if you moved further up front 235 00:13:29,839 --> 00:13:34,240 here where the speakers are use that 236 00:13:32,720 --> 00:13:38,440 voice you got 237 00:13:34,240 --> 00:13:41,120 it okay I mean I am coming out okay 238 00:13:38,440 --> 00:13:44,440 better all right I'll just talk louder 239 00:13:41,120 --> 00:13:47,519 get closer to I do have a loud voice so 240 00:13:44,440 --> 00:13:50,519 that shouldn't be a problem public 241 00:13:47,519 --> 00:13:50,519 remarks 242 00:13:53,440 --> 00:14:00,360 Janette Janette Retta Tyrone 243 00:13:56,879 --> 00:14:02,799 Township Tyrone Township resident 244 00:14:00,360 --> 00:14:04,560 um you can stop me when my time is up 245 00:14:02,799 --> 00:14:06,559 I've got people that will read for me 246 00:14:04,559 --> 00:14:09,559 the rest of my 247 00:14:06,559 --> 00:14:11,039 comment on the agenda tonight is um well 248 00:14:09,559 --> 00:14:14,758 first of all I wanted to say don't worry 249 00:14:11,039 --> 00:14:17,759 I'm not here to light any fires but I'm 250 00:14:14,759 --> 00:14:20,039 also going to ask why everyone's 251 00:14:17,759 --> 00:14:21,639 pretending that they can't smell the 252 00:14:20,039 --> 00:14:24,480 smoke 253 00:14:21,639 --> 00:14:25,799 okay on the agenda tonight is an item to 254 00:14:24,480 --> 00:14:27,959 appoint someone to the Planning 255 00:14:25,799 --> 00:14:30,240 Commission the process is clearly 256 00:14:27,958 --> 00:14:32,399 defined by the law our new supervisor is 257 00:14:30,240 --> 00:14:33,959 allowed to recommend someone and then 258 00:14:32,399 --> 00:14:36,000 the board will vote just like he was 259 00:14:33,958 --> 00:14:38,799 allowed to recommend um those other 260 00:14:36,000 --> 00:14:41,440 people for board of review or whatever 261 00:14:38,799 --> 00:14:43,599 it was okay um what this means is he 262 00:14:41,440 --> 00:14:45,079 gets to decide who he wants to recommend 263 00:14:43,600 --> 00:14:47,199 for the Planning Commission I learned 264 00:14:45,078 --> 00:14:49,198 today that he doesn't need to tell you 265 00:14:47,198 --> 00:14:51,078 who applied he doesn't even need to 266 00:14:49,198 --> 00:14:53,078 interview the people that applied and 267 00:14:51,078 --> 00:14:56,198 what I'm hearing is he did not interview 268 00:14:53,078 --> 00:14:58,278 or speak with everyone who applied so I 269 00:14:56,198 --> 00:14:59,919 want to emphasize how important it is to 270 00:14:58,278 --> 00:15:02,120 ensure that this planning commission's 271 00:14:59,919 --> 00:15:04,519 role reflects the values and trusts of 272 00:15:02,120 --> 00:15:06,720 the community this position shapes 273 00:15:04,519 --> 00:15:09,278 decisions that impact us all and it 274 00:15:06,720 --> 00:15:11,800 requires wisdom perspective and a deep 275 00:15:09,278 --> 00:15:13,399 understanding of our Township um and 276 00:15:11,799 --> 00:15:15,278 that that person has gained through 277 00:15:13,399 --> 00:15:16,559 years of living here and I'd like to 278 00:15:15,278 --> 00:15:18,278 also remind the board that the 279 00:15:16,559 --> 00:15:21,518 resident's voices 280 00:15:18,278 --> 00:15:24,320 matter and one only needs to look at the 281 00:15:21,519 --> 00:15:26,560 results of the last election to see that 282 00:15:24,320 --> 00:15:29,440 the people spoke loud and clear about 283 00:15:26,559 --> 00:15:32,278 who they trust and who they do not for 284 00:15:29,440 --> 00:15:33,839 those candidates where they had a choice 285 00:15:32,278 --> 00:15:35,759 and that is information that should 286 00:15:33,839 --> 00:15:37,920 always be considered when making 287 00:15:35,759 --> 00:15:39,480 decisions on appointments such as this 288 00:15:37,919 --> 00:15:42,120 it's also my hope that we'll hear a 289 00:15:39,480 --> 00:15:44,278 clear explanation tonight who applied 290 00:15:42,120 --> 00:15:46,240 for this position were they all given a 291 00:15:44,278 --> 00:15:47,879 chance to explain why they wanted this 292 00:15:46,240 --> 00:15:51,000 position and how they believe they are 293 00:15:47,879 --> 00:15:52,720 qualified and what qualifies um 294 00:15:51,000 --> 00:15:55,159 qualities set the supervisor's 295 00:15:52,720 --> 00:15:57,319 recommendation apart from others 296 00:15:55,159 --> 00:15:59,799 transparency is key to maintaining 297 00:15:57,318 --> 00:16:01,439 public confidence in this process 298 00:15:59,799 --> 00:16:03,278 let's also remember that the trust in 299 00:16:01,440 --> 00:16:06,040 leadership comes from listening to the 300 00:16:03,278 --> 00:16:08,399 people this time how they voted and by 301 00:16:06,039 --> 00:16:10,599 honoring their input and then appointing 302 00:16:08,399 --> 00:16:13,720 individuals who reflect the will and 303 00:16:10,600 --> 00:16:15,159 confidence of the community they serve I 304 00:16:13,720 --> 00:16:17,240 understand that the supervisor doesn't 305 00:16:15,159 --> 00:16:20,240 need to do any of these things that I 306 00:16:17,240 --> 00:16:23,360 suggested but I ask him to remember that 307 00:16:20,240 --> 00:16:26,480 he ran on the principles of change 308 00:16:23,360 --> 00:16:29,440 transparency and being honest and open 309 00:16:26,480 --> 00:16:31,759 with the people and I'm hoping he will 310 00:16:29,440 --> 00:16:35,000 honor those campaign promises 311 00:16:31,759 --> 00:16:37,519 tonight and uh can't get your eye well 312 00:16:35,000 --> 00:16:40,679 there you are oh yeah okay I also want 313 00:16:37,519 --> 00:16:42,959 to say that um I reached out to a board 314 00:16:40,679 --> 00:16:48,318 member today that I asked to call 315 00:16:42,958 --> 00:16:48,318 me and I was told that I shouldn't 316 00:16:49,000 --> 00:16:53,600 speak that I should not speak anymore 317 00:16:52,000 --> 00:16:56,919 and that I'm not doing my husband any 318 00:16:53,600 --> 00:17:00,079 favors by speaking I will speak until 319 00:16:56,919 --> 00:17:04,639 I'm blue in the face I will exercise my 320 00:17:00,078 --> 00:17:07,038 right to speak and I highly resent that 321 00:17:04,640 --> 00:17:11,640 being told to me I consider it more 322 00:17:07,038 --> 00:17:11,640 intimidation and just like the last 323 00:17:17,679 --> 00:17:21,160 Administration anybody 324 00:17:21,558 --> 00:17:25,720 else yes sir 325 00:17:34,279 --> 00:17:37,000 I'll light that 326 00:17:41,200 --> 00:17:47,519 fire for 327 00:17:44,359 --> 00:17:47,519 you thank 328 00:17:54,880 --> 00:18:00,159 you you all should receive a packet at 329 00:17:57,919 --> 00:18:01,038 least the board members that I'm not 330 00:18:00,159 --> 00:18:03,200 talking 331 00:18:01,038 --> 00:18:06,519 to 332 00:18:03,200 --> 00:18:10,720 yes how's this 333 00:18:06,519 --> 00:18:14,119 guys my name is Kevin Ross Harland 334 00:18:10,720 --> 00:18:17,558 road to the board particularly Greg KS 335 00:18:14,119 --> 00:18:21,158 Dean hos and Chris Reta three 336 00:18:17,558 --> 00:18:24,279 weeks this phrase mentioned in a recent 337 00:18:21,159 --> 00:18:27,480 Facebook post has never felt more 338 00:18:24,279 --> 00:18:29,558 fitting 3 weeks to violate the law and 339 00:18:27,480 --> 00:18:33,240 potentially place our town ship at quite 340 00:18:29,558 --> 00:18:35,960 a significant legal risk on December 341 00:18:33,240 --> 00:18:38,440 3rd the board convened for the first 342 00:18:35,960 --> 00:18:40,519 time at least publicly in accordance 343 00:18:38,440 --> 00:18:43,519 with the open meetings act what 344 00:18:40,519 --> 00:18:46,279 transpired could be best described as a 345 00:18:43,519 --> 00:18:49,359 comedy show a spectacle that might find 346 00:18:46,279 --> 00:18:52,079 a home as a Netflix series if we began 347 00:18:49,359 --> 00:18:53,639 submitting our own YouTube recordings 348 00:18:52,079 --> 00:18:55,199 highlights include Dean and Chris 349 00:18:53,640 --> 00:18:59,320 asserting they knew more about the law 350 00:18:55,200 --> 00:19:01,279 than our own legal council Chuck here 351 00:18:59,319 --> 00:19:03,399 paired with the usual Antics from 352 00:19:01,279 --> 00:19:07,279 certain public watch I mean public 353 00:19:03,400 --> 00:19:12,600 commenters amid the amid this chaos amid 354 00:19:07,279 --> 00:19:14,918 this chaos amid the chaos there was one 355 00:19:12,599 --> 00:19:16,759 at a time amid this chaos there was 356 00:19:14,919 --> 00:19:19,679 repeated talk of a need to clean up the 357 00:19:16,759 --> 00:19:21,960 Planning Commission it was a display of 358 00:19:19,679 --> 00:19:24,720 power hungry rhetoric wrapped in a guise 359 00:19:21,960 --> 00:19:27,360 of transparency the attempt to twist the 360 00:19:24,720 --> 00:19:29,759 words of legal counsel to justify 361 00:19:27,359 --> 00:19:32,199 predetermined outcomes was both 362 00:19:29,759 --> 00:19:35,038 transparent and appalling it's 363 00:19:32,200 --> 00:19:37,640 fascinating that Dean and Chris have 364 00:19:35,038 --> 00:19:40,000 seemingly graduated summum L from the 365 00:19:37,640 --> 00:19:42,159 Facebook school of law where facts are 366 00:19:40,000 --> 00:19:44,640 optional and confidence is all you need 367 00:19:42,159 --> 00:19:46,600 to rewrite Decades of legislation 368 00:19:44,640 --> 00:19:49,080 clearly there are ulterior motives at 369 00:19:46,599 --> 00:19:50,719 play fast forward to December 10th when 370 00:19:49,079 --> 00:19:52,839 the Planning Commission held its 371 00:19:50,720 --> 00:19:55,038 regularly scheduled meeting after the 372 00:19:52,839 --> 00:19:57,319 meeting adjourned one Greg KS approached 373 00:19:55,038 --> 00:19:59,599 my associate Bill wood shook his hand 374 00:19:57,319 --> 00:20:02,000 and then shook mine What followed was 375 00:19:59,599 --> 00:20:04,918 shocking Unthinkable and indefensible 376 00:20:02,000 --> 00:20:07,038 grg kin handed me and my associates an 377 00:20:04,919 --> 00:20:10,080 official Township document with the 378 00:20:07,038 --> 00:20:12,759 Tyrone Township letter head a document 379 00:20:10,079 --> 00:20:15,038 that essentially put the township into a 380 00:20:12,759 --> 00:20:18,038 large amount of legal trouble if press 381 00:20:15,038 --> 00:20:20,480 further page three on all of your 382 00:20:18,038 --> 00:20:23,200 packets let's address the contents of 383 00:20:20,480 --> 00:20:25,480 this document first it falsely claim my 384 00:20:23,200 --> 00:20:27,880 attendance was an issue the prior board 385 00:20:25,480 --> 00:20:30,839 was fully well aware of my health 386 00:20:27,880 --> 00:20:33,000 related excuse used absences an entirely 387 00:20:30,839 --> 00:20:36,918 separate legal matter I assure you don't 388 00:20:33,000 --> 00:20:39,440 want to delve into with me but you three 389 00:20:36,919 --> 00:20:41,679 were well aware about it after you got 390 00:20:39,440 --> 00:20:44,038 elected beyond that this document 391 00:20:41,679 --> 00:20:47,000 contained outright lies that must be 392 00:20:44,038 --> 00:20:49,279 examined the first lie is the board 393 00:20:47,000 --> 00:20:52,240 approved this document I ask you 394 00:20:49,279 --> 00:20:55,038 Jennifer I ask you Pam Herm and Sarah 395 00:20:52,240 --> 00:20:58,120 did you see or approve this document you 396 00:20:55,038 --> 00:21:00,440 don't have to answer om says that if not 397 00:20:58,119 --> 00:21:02,879 this Con stitutes as the first violation 398 00:21:00,440 --> 00:21:05,679 the second majority approval claimed by 399 00:21:02,880 --> 00:21:07,840 Greg KS Greg K stated that a majority of 400 00:21:05,679 --> 00:21:09,880 board members supported this action is 401 00:21:07,839 --> 00:21:12,158 that true where so where's the 402 00:21:09,880 --> 00:21:14,559 documentation if not that's the second 403 00:21:12,159 --> 00:21:16,919 violation direct interference with 404 00:21:14,558 --> 00:21:18,759 Planning Commission on December 3rd the 405 00:21:16,919 --> 00:21:21,840 Township's legal council Charles 406 00:21:18,759 --> 00:21:26,079 Whitmire explicitly and repeatedly 407 00:21:21,839 --> 00:21:28,240 stated to the board specifically you two 408 00:21:26,079 --> 00:21:30,918 just as we or excuse me repated to the 409 00:21:28,240 --> 00:21:32,720 board that you have no authority to 410 00:21:30,919 --> 00:21:35,600 govern the Planning Commission you may 411 00:21:32,720 --> 00:21:37,759 advise us just as we may advise you 412 00:21:35,599 --> 00:21:40,240 taking any action beyond that is 413 00:21:37,759 --> 00:21:43,200 unlawful this document violates that 414 00:21:40,240 --> 00:21:45,679 boundary making it your third violation 415 00:21:43,200 --> 00:21:48,720 request destroy doc to destroy the 416 00:21:45,679 --> 00:21:51,000 document realizing this error Greg tried 417 00:21:48,720 --> 00:21:53,440 to backpedal hard and later contacted my 418 00:21:51,000 --> 00:21:55,519 colleagues asking them to destroy this 419 00:21:53,440 --> 00:21:58,600 document this is a blatant breach of 420 00:21:55,519 --> 00:22:00,599 public records law F foer retention 421 00:21:58,599 --> 00:22:02,759 policies and general ethical standards 422 00:22:00,599 --> 00:22:04,918 which is the fourth violation Greg's 423 00:22:02,759 --> 00:22:07,319 attempt to sweep his mistake under the 424 00:22:04,919 --> 00:22:08,840 rug was so obvious that it failed a 425 00:22:07,319 --> 00:22:11,639 kindergart that it would have failed a 426 00:22:08,839 --> 00:22:13,439 kindergarten game of hide and seek 427 00:22:11,640 --> 00:22:15,679 asking my colleagues to destroy this 428 00:22:13,440 --> 00:22:17,919 document that's the legal equivalent of 429 00:22:15,679 --> 00:22:20,960 setting off a fireworks setting off 430 00:22:17,919 --> 00:22:23,240 fireworks in a bank heist this behavior 431 00:22:20,960 --> 00:22:26,600 is reckless and indefensible I am asking 432 00:22:23,240 --> 00:22:30,079 for the resignations of Greg KS Dean hos 433 00:22:26,599 --> 00:22:32,558 and Chris Reta additionally 434 00:22:30,079 --> 00:22:34,798 additionally I am also demanding written 435 00:22:32,558 --> 00:22:38,079 and verbal public apologies thank you 436 00:22:34,798 --> 00:22:41,720 for the verbal Greg public apologies at 437 00:22:38,079 --> 00:22:44,480 least from the board public 438 00:22:41,720 --> 00:22:46,919 apologies excuse me for myself and my 439 00:22:44,480 --> 00:22:49,079 colleagues this level of carelessness 440 00:22:46,919 --> 00:22:51,480 lack of transparency and disregard for 441 00:22:49,079 --> 00:22:53,720 the law cannot be the standard and will 442 00:22:51,480 --> 00:22:55,519 not be the standard for our Township it 443 00:22:53,720 --> 00:22:57,839 is a disservice to the community we 444 00:22:55,519 --> 00:23:00,158 serve and is an insult to those who came 445 00:22:57,839 --> 00:23:02,158 before us I will set a precedent for 446 00:23:00,159 --> 00:23:04,799 this Township when it comes to full-on 447 00:23:02,159 --> 00:23:07,440 illegal actions for this group excuse me 448 00:23:04,798 --> 00:23:09,359 for a group that ran on transparency you 449 00:23:07,440 --> 00:23:11,480 guys sure love backdooring meetings and 450 00:23:09,359 --> 00:23:13,839 shredding documents I guess this 451 00:23:11,480 --> 00:23:16,000 transparency means see- through excuses 452 00:23:13,839 --> 00:23:17,959 not actual accountability now to you 453 00:23:16,000 --> 00:23:20,319 Greg when you allow yourself to be 454 00:23:17,960 --> 00:23:22,159 manipulated by individuals who believe 455 00:23:20,319 --> 00:23:24,678 they know better than our own legal 456 00:23:22,159 --> 00:23:26,679 council you lose the ability to think 457 00:23:24,679 --> 00:23:29,080 independently and you become their 458 00:23:26,679 --> 00:23:31,240 puppet this is not leadership it's a 459 00:23:29,079 --> 00:23:33,439 clown show and if there's one thing Greg 460 00:23:31,240 --> 00:23:35,400 Dean and Chris are consistent about it's 461 00:23:33,440 --> 00:23:37,600 their ability to turn simple governance 462 00:23:35,400 --> 00:23:39,720 into a master class of how to lose the 463 00:23:37,599 --> 00:23:43,509 Public's trust in 10 days and the kicker 464 00:23:39,720 --> 00:23:47,140 is good luck you did it in three weeks 465 00:23:43,509 --> 00:23:47,140 [Applause] 466 00:23:48,319 --> 00:23:52,918 Bravo I 467 00:23:51,200 --> 00:23:56,440 won 468 00:23:52,919 --> 00:24:00,278 really just please be quiet tell them to 469 00:23:56,440 --> 00:24:04,360 be quiet Ric like everybody else any 470 00:24:00,278 --> 00:24:04,359 more public comment 471 00:24:05,480 --> 00:24:09,519 Scott you let call me 472 00:24:11,960 --> 00:24:17,960 idiot Scott White Lake 473 00:24:14,880 --> 00:24:20,760 Road please speak into the 474 00:24:17,960 --> 00:24:23,759 mic so the audience can I've been coming 475 00:24:20,759 --> 00:24:26,398 to this Township meetings for decades 476 00:24:23,759 --> 00:24:29,599 and I've been fighting for change I've 477 00:24:26,398 --> 00:24:31,759 fought for change and I am so damn 478 00:24:29,599 --> 00:24:35,759 disappointed I'm disappointed in you 479 00:24:31,759 --> 00:24:38,480 three I'm sorry Greg and I push for you 480 00:24:35,759 --> 00:24:41,798 I am very listen I'm not a 481 00:24:38,480 --> 00:24:43,919 hypocrite I fought for transparency no 482 00:24:41,798 --> 00:24:47,480 appointing a person is not 483 00:24:43,919 --> 00:24:49,480 transparency back before this last board 484 00:24:47,480 --> 00:24:51,960 was in here we used to bring all the 485 00:24:49,480 --> 00:24:54,000 candidates up and they were 486 00:24:51,960 --> 00:24:57,159 questioned they weren't disappointed by 487 00:24:54,000 --> 00:24:59,519 the supervisor and it's not law for you 488 00:24:57,159 --> 00:25:02,360 to do it and you 489 00:24:59,519 --> 00:25:03,960 promised you promised me and you 490 00:25:02,359 --> 00:25:06,558 promised others that there was going to 491 00:25:03,960 --> 00:25:09,159 be change in this damn Township I'm 492 00:25:06,558 --> 00:25:11,319 sorry don't ask me why don't ask 493 00:25:09,159 --> 00:25:13,080 question it's my turn to talk I'm going 494 00:25:11,319 --> 00:25:16,599 to give you this the same respect as I 495 00:25:13,079 --> 00:25:20,240 gave the supervisor because I speak my 496 00:25:16,599 --> 00:25:22,119 mind I might not be right all the time 497 00:25:20,240 --> 00:25:23,278 but damn you three who the hell do you 498 00:25:22,119 --> 00:25:26,319 think you 499 00:25:23,278 --> 00:25:30,319 are I agree how many times Janette did 500 00:25:26,319 --> 00:25:30,319 you get up there and ask for resignation 501 00:25:30,359 --> 00:25:35,000 and you just went against your own what 502 00:25:32,558 --> 00:25:37,879 you I'll go back and play the tapes 503 00:25:35,000 --> 00:25:39,759 listen because no because no because I'm 504 00:25:37,880 --> 00:25:43,880 fair I'm 505 00:25:39,759 --> 00:25:45,398 fairm I'm Fair listen I see what's wrong 506 00:25:43,880 --> 00:25:47,159 I was taught what's right is right 507 00:25:45,398 --> 00:25:50,398 what's wrong is wrong and if I'm wrong 508 00:25:47,159 --> 00:25:52,960 I'll say I'm wrong but you three were 509 00:25:50,398 --> 00:25:55,479 wrong with what what no because it 510 00:25:52,960 --> 00:25:57,240 wasn't trans it's my turn to talk listen 511 00:25:55,480 --> 00:25:59,798 you had your turn you've already made 512 00:25:57,240 --> 00:26:01,079 your point what no it does I'm done I've 513 00:25:59,798 --> 00:26:03,359 only been a couple minutes just let me 514 00:26:01,079 --> 00:26:05,519 finish what what I'll be real quick if 515 00:26:03,359 --> 00:26:07,599 you just shut up for a minute okay make 516 00:26:05,519 --> 00:26:10,759 the point transparency you know what 517 00:26:07,599 --> 00:26:13,639 transparency is it's coming to a board 518 00:26:10,759 --> 00:26:15,079 meeting and letting the people talk 519 00:26:13,640 --> 00:26:17,559 getting questions 520 00:26:15,079 --> 00:26:22,079 answered and the board makes a decision 521 00:26:17,558 --> 00:26:24,440 not three men three men went behind the 522 00:26:22,079 --> 00:26:26,199 doors and look at look at all the stuff 523 00:26:24,440 --> 00:26:28,360 you added to the agenda we we kept 524 00:26:26,200 --> 00:26:30,159 begging not to load up the agenda last 525 00:26:28,359 --> 00:26:32,519 minute no maybe because you were out of 526 00:26:30,159 --> 00:26:34,679 town the stuff didn't get on the agenda 527 00:26:32,519 --> 00:26:37,000 Greg I explained to you let me ask you 528 00:26:34,679 --> 00:26:38,278 another thing the rumor mill the rumor 529 00:26:37,000 --> 00:26:41,200 mill has it oh you going to put a Time 530 00:26:38,278 --> 00:26:42,798 PL up now well okay the rumor mill has 531 00:26:41,200 --> 00:26:45,558 it you're not quitting your job and 532 00:26:42,798 --> 00:26:48,119 you're going to work part-time I did not 533 00:26:45,558 --> 00:26:49,278 elect a part-time supervisor ask these 534 00:26:48,119 --> 00:26:50,719 people if they want a part-time 535 00:26:49,278 --> 00:26:54,000 supervisor cuz I sure didn't want one 536 00:26:50,720 --> 00:26:54,000 last time 537 00:27:01,038 --> 00:27:06,839 any other comments I'd like to respond 538 00:27:03,159 --> 00:27:06,840 to the accusations 539 00:27:12,200 --> 00:27:17,519 John good evening John Ward Tyrone 540 00:27:15,359 --> 00:27:18,519 Township resident and Planning 541 00:27:17,519 --> 00:27:24,240 Commission 542 00:27:18,519 --> 00:27:26,879 chairman uh as Kevin mentioned um after 543 00:27:24,240 --> 00:27:29,159 the Planning Commission meeting um last 544 00:27:26,880 --> 00:27:31,840 Tuesday on December 10th 545 00:27:29,159 --> 00:27:36,039 2024 I received this letter probably 546 00:27:31,839 --> 00:27:37,879 similar to what Kevin uh included in his 547 00:27:36,038 --> 00:27:42,038 packet 548 00:27:37,880 --> 00:27:44,278 and uh it says my attendance at record 549 00:27:42,038 --> 00:27:46,158 during the 2024 calendar year at 550 00:27:44,278 --> 00:27:49,839 Planning Commission meetings is less 551 00:27:46,159 --> 00:27:52,399 than 80% of held meetings um I've I 552 00:27:49,839 --> 00:27:54,959 attended eight out of 11 regular 553 00:27:52,398 --> 00:27:57,599 meetings and three out of three held 554 00:27:54,960 --> 00:27:59,319 subcommittee meetings so 11 out of 14 555 00:27:57,599 --> 00:28:01,119 meetings I just a few I was on my 556 00:27:59,319 --> 00:28:05,558 honeymoon for one I was on vacation one 557 00:28:01,119 --> 00:28:08,319 and I was sick once um but after that it 558 00:28:05,558 --> 00:28:12,440 says um as a result of this the Township 559 00:28:08,319 --> 00:28:15,119 Board is charging me with nonfeasance 560 00:28:12,440 --> 00:28:17,480 which is basically saying I didn't do my 561 00:28:15,119 --> 00:28:19,558 job um I'm not sure if you're aware of 562 00:28:17,480 --> 00:28:20,960 the town the Planning Commission bylaws 563 00:28:19,558 --> 00:28:23,720 but there is no attendance requirement 564 00:28:20,960 --> 00:28:26,798 in there so I would like to know what is 565 00:28:23,720 --> 00:28:29,240 the validation for this 566 00:28:26,798 --> 00:28:32,000 charge I would i' also like to 567 00:28:29,240 --> 00:28:34,079 know how the board voted on this this 568 00:28:32,000 --> 00:28:36,679 was not conducted during an open meeting 569 00:28:34,079 --> 00:28:38,798 all decisions of the Township Board are 570 00:28:36,679 --> 00:28:41,120 to be conducted at open meeting public 571 00:28:38,798 --> 00:28:42,639 meeting per the open meetings Act Right 572 00:28:41,119 --> 00:28:44,879 is is that correct can I ask the 573 00:28:42,640 --> 00:28:47,919 attorney if that's correct or maybe he 574 00:28:44,880 --> 00:28:49,440 can he can specify that later why am I 575 00:28:47,919 --> 00:28:50,960 getting yelled at from the crowd please 576 00:28:49,440 --> 00:28:52,600 be quiet it's my time to talk he's 577 00:28:50,960 --> 00:28:56,159 yelling 578 00:28:52,599 --> 00:28:58,599 shush come on come 579 00:28:56,159 --> 00:29:01,919 on needs to stop 580 00:28:58,599 --> 00:29:05,879 tell him great that's ridiculous come on 581 00:29:01,919 --> 00:29:08,799 John finish please John finish please I 582 00:29:05,880 --> 00:29:10,559 I'll finish when I'm ready yep so the 583 00:29:08,798 --> 00:29:13,119 Township board made this 584 00:29:10,558 --> 00:29:15,278 decision Clos doors not in a public 585 00:29:13,119 --> 00:29:16,959 meeting the reason why they have the 586 00:29:15,278 --> 00:29:18,880 open meetings act so all the public can 587 00:29:16,960 --> 00:29:22,679 see how they voted it's about 588 00:29:18,880 --> 00:29:24,799 accountability to the residents the 589 00:29:22,679 --> 00:29:28,880 accountability so I want to know how 590 00:29:24,798 --> 00:29:30,398 each of you voted on this issue 591 00:29:28,880 --> 00:29:31,960 I'm I'm I'm asking for that and I'm 592 00:29:30,398 --> 00:29:34,479 asking for it in a public meeting I want 593 00:29:31,960 --> 00:29:36,600 to hear from Sarah and Herm and Pam and 594 00:29:34,480 --> 00:29:38,720 Greg and Jen and Dean and Chris I want 595 00:29:36,599 --> 00:29:41,359 to know how each of you provided input 596 00:29:38,720 --> 00:29:43,278 on this and what what evidence did you 597 00:29:41,359 --> 00:29:45,000 review to make this 598 00:29:43,278 --> 00:29:46,398 determination can you provide that 599 00:29:45,000 --> 00:29:48,398 tonight during a public meeting which 600 00:29:46,398 --> 00:29:50,678 you should have because you didn't do it 601 00:29:48,398 --> 00:29:53,119 in a public meeting that was 602 00:29:50,679 --> 00:29:55,798 illegal can you confirm that with the 603 00:29:53,119 --> 00:29:57,079 attorney I will did did you discuss this 604 00:29:55,798 --> 00:29:59,200 with the attorney before you made that 605 00:29:57,079 --> 00:30:01,678 decision I did not you did not did 606 00:29:59,200 --> 00:30:04,038 anyone on the board discuss that with 607 00:30:01,679 --> 00:30:06,320 the attorney I didn't even know there 608 00:30:04,038 --> 00:30:08,000 was a letter nor have I seen a copy and 609 00:30:06,319 --> 00:30:10,079 there's that's another good question was 610 00:30:08,000 --> 00:30:12,319 anyone on the board unaware that this 611 00:30:10,079 --> 00:30:14,720 took place 612 00:30:12,319 --> 00:30:17,398 resp I would ask you one of you board 613 00:30:14,720 --> 00:30:20,798 members to please ask the attorney to 614 00:30:17,398 --> 00:30:23,879 chime in on this can you respond 615 00:30:20,798 --> 00:30:27,398 chalk any act by the Township board has 616 00:30:23,880 --> 00:30:29,480 to be made at a public he thank you 617 00:30:27,398 --> 00:30:31,719 thank you 618 00:30:29,480 --> 00:30:33,759 meeting can you ask the attorney if he 619 00:30:31,720 --> 00:30:35,519 was during a public meeting can you ask 620 00:30:33,759 --> 00:30:37,599 the can one of your board members ask 621 00:30:35,519 --> 00:30:39,798 the attorney if he discussed this issue 622 00:30:37,599 --> 00:30:42,079 at all with any board 623 00:30:39,798 --> 00:30:44,240 members chuck if he discussed it with 624 00:30:42,079 --> 00:30:45,839 any board members I've learned of the 625 00:30:44,240 --> 00:30:48,558 fact this has happened over the last 626 00:30:45,839 --> 00:30:52,240 couple days I've had members of the 627 00:30:48,558 --> 00:30:54,599 board call me talk to me and yes so I 628 00:30:52,240 --> 00:30:58,038 knew this had happened I did not know it 629 00:30:54,599 --> 00:30:58,038 before it happened 630 00:31:01,000 --> 00:31:04,880 understood thanks for that information 631 00:31:02,599 --> 00:31:07,759 and I would like um each of you to speak 632 00:31:04,880 --> 00:31:08,480 to who supported this and who did not 633 00:31:07,759 --> 00:31:11,679 thank 634 00:31:08,480 --> 00:31:11,679 you it's 635 00:31:16,359 --> 00:31:22,158 clearly are there any other public 636 00:31:19,159 --> 00:31:22,159 comments 637 00:31:30,679 --> 00:31:35,120 uh thank you John Ward uh the 638 00:31:32,359 --> 00:31:37,839 information that you gave me uh makes me 639 00:31:35,119 --> 00:31:41,359 take a little walk down memory 640 00:31:37,839 --> 00:31:43,558 lane charging them with nonfeasance for 641 00:31:41,359 --> 00:31:46,519 80% 642 00:31:43,558 --> 00:31:49,638 attendance Mr 643 00:31:46,519 --> 00:31:52,798 supervisor I can recall your attendance 644 00:31:49,638 --> 00:31:55,638 as the zba chair and that's calling 645 00:31:52,798 --> 00:31:56,960 that's the kettle calling the pot black 646 00:31:55,638 --> 00:31:58,599 you should really take a look at your 647 00:31:56,960 --> 00:32:00,399 numbers before you start accusing people 648 00:31:58,599 --> 00:32:01,558 of things that you were guilty of that's 649 00:32:00,398 --> 00:32:06,879 hypocrisy 650 00:32:01,558 --> 00:32:06,879 sir thank you you didn't announce who he 651 00:32:12,880 --> 00:32:15,880 is 652 00:32:18,549 --> 00:32:25,398 [Music] 653 00:32:20,319 --> 00:32:25,398 show any other public comment 654 00:32:28,480 --> 00:32:32,759 all 655 00:32:29,398 --> 00:32:35,558 right hi Bill Bill 656 00:32:32,759 --> 00:32:38,558 wood Tyrone Township 657 00:32:35,558 --> 00:32:41,558 resident I guess I'm uh just very 658 00:32:38,558 --> 00:32:45,158 disappointed I've been a resident for 50 659 00:32:41,558 --> 00:32:48,519 years in this Township I probably have 660 00:32:45,159 --> 00:32:52,919 dealt with pretty much anybody in here 661 00:32:48,519 --> 00:32:55,120 at one point or another um to have my 662 00:32:52,919 --> 00:32:58,000 name basically 663 00:32:55,119 --> 00:33:00,719 slander that you are going to get kicked 664 00:32:58,000 --> 00:33:04,759 off the township Planning Commission is 665 00:33:00,720 --> 00:33:05,679 just disgusting to me I I am very upset 666 00:33:04,759 --> 00:33:09,200 about 667 00:33:05,679 --> 00:33:14,480 it I uh honestly don't know how to react 668 00:33:09,200 --> 00:33:17,120 to it I like things simple I thought 669 00:33:14,480 --> 00:33:19,720 this was going to be a a good transition 670 00:33:17,119 --> 00:33:23,079 that we might get along the board and 671 00:33:19,720 --> 00:33:25,278 the Planning Commission but this is just 672 00:33:23,079 --> 00:33:28,158 ridiculous what happened to us we 673 00:33:25,278 --> 00:33:30,798 shouldn't have to go through this 674 00:33:28,159 --> 00:33:32,840 um when I signed up for this thing 675 00:33:30,798 --> 00:33:37,839 everybody probably knows what I do for a 676 00:33:32,839 --> 00:33:40,398 living I'm 24hour 7day a week business 677 00:33:37,839 --> 00:33:43,839 person and I may get a phone call right 678 00:33:40,398 --> 00:33:47,319 now and have to leave so you can ask Mr 679 00:33:43,839 --> 00:33:49,119 Cunningham when I signed up I told him I 680 00:33:47,319 --> 00:33:52,759 may not make it to every 681 00:33:49,119 --> 00:33:55,678 meeting so that was already out on the 682 00:33:52,759 --> 00:33:59,720 table when I took this 683 00:33:55,679 --> 00:33:59,720 position that's all I got to say 684 00:34:10,079 --> 00:34:15,919 Garrett lad Harland Road um I'm also 685 00:34:13,320 --> 00:34:18,960 part of the Planning Commission as well 686 00:34:15,918 --> 00:34:20,960 uh Greg Dean Chris I don't really have 687 00:34:18,960 --> 00:34:23,199 relationship with you but I've had 688 00:34:20,960 --> 00:34:25,720 relationships with both of you guys um 689 00:34:23,199 --> 00:34:28,239 same thing Billy said I get text 690 00:34:25,719 --> 00:34:29,239 messages from people on ran Lake saying 691 00:34:28,239 --> 00:34:31,878 why are you getting kicked off the 692 00:34:29,239 --> 00:34:34,358 Planning Commission I also own my own 693 00:34:31,878 --> 00:34:36,480 business um never would have thought 694 00:34:34,358 --> 00:34:40,440 that you guys would do something like 695 00:34:36,480 --> 00:34:42,000 that um again re reiterating what Billy 696 00:34:40,440 --> 00:34:46,079 said I thought this was going to be a 697 00:34:42,000 --> 00:34:48,398 smooth smooth sailing process and um 698 00:34:46,079 --> 00:34:50,000 yeah been here for a long time my whole 699 00:34:48,398 --> 00:34:52,440 life my family's been on running Lake 700 00:34:50,000 --> 00:34:54,159 for 100 years so it's one of those 701 00:34:52,440 --> 00:34:57,119 things that it's disappointing to see 702 00:34:54,159 --> 00:34:58,519 and then just the absolute chaos in here 703 00:34:57,119 --> 00:35:01,160 that's just 704 00:34:58,519 --> 00:35:03,920 it's insane so I hope you guys can 705 00:35:01,159 --> 00:35:06,399 figure it out but I do strongly agree 706 00:35:03,920 --> 00:35:08,000 someone needs to be punished because you 707 00:35:06,400 --> 00:35:11,320 can't just get away with this whether 708 00:35:08,000 --> 00:35:16,800 that has to be legally or whatever but 709 00:35:11,320 --> 00:35:16,800 this is this is ridiculous so thank 710 00:35:19,260 --> 00:35:22,339 [Applause] 711 00:35:25,679 --> 00:35:33,399 you de de a cipher Walnut Shores um I'm 712 00:35:30,400 --> 00:35:37,160 just here to say I don't know the 713 00:35:33,400 --> 00:35:40,079 legalities um would never claim to on 714 00:35:37,159 --> 00:35:43,879 what has transpired with the Planning 715 00:35:40,079 --> 00:35:46,599 Commission but I can say that this 716 00:35:43,880 --> 00:35:49,720 Planning Commission in my opinion over 717 00:35:46,599 --> 00:35:52,519 the last several years has not acted in 718 00:35:49,719 --> 00:35:55,480 the best interest of the township 719 00:35:52,519 --> 00:35:57,639 they've not enacted the ordinances they 720 00:35:55,480 --> 00:35:59,800 they've not implemented the master plan 721 00:35:57,639 --> 00:36:02,838 plan the way that they should have they 722 00:35:59,800 --> 00:36:05,200 have not had any sort of communication 723 00:36:02,838 --> 00:36:07,639 on a regular basis with the residents in 724 00:36:05,199 --> 00:36:10,239 the township they've canceled meeting 725 00:36:07,639 --> 00:36:12,039 after meeting after meeting uh 726 00:36:10,239 --> 00:36:14,318 attendance does 727 00:36:12,039 --> 00:36:17,279 matter and 728 00:36:14,318 --> 00:36:21,719 anytime change is brought 729 00:36:17,280 --> 00:36:24,880 in it's going to create uh hard feelings 730 00:36:21,719 --> 00:36:27,598 with people that were already there but 731 00:36:24,880 --> 00:36:29,800 I I do believe that change is necessary 732 00:36:27,599 --> 00:36:31,960 and changes necessary on that Planning 733 00:36:29,800 --> 00:36:34,240 Commission because I don't believe that 734 00:36:31,960 --> 00:36:38,760 they have been doing their job in the 735 00:36:34,239 --> 00:36:38,759 best interest of the township so thank 736 00:36:39,849 --> 00:36:43,219 [Applause] 737 00:36:44,079 --> 00:36:47,519 you is that 738 00:36:50,199 --> 00:36:54,358 it 739 00:36:51,920 --> 00:36:59,838 okay my 740 00:36:54,358 --> 00:37:03,480 intent was to not remove any planning 741 00:36:59,838 --> 00:37:07,679 commissioner my intent was to try to get 742 00:37:03,480 --> 00:37:10,719 discussion between this board and the 743 00:37:07,679 --> 00:37:12,838 Planning Commission board I went about 744 00:37:10,719 --> 00:37:17,039 it 745 00:37:12,838 --> 00:37:17,039 incorrectly that is why I did what I 746 00:37:17,679 --> 00:37:24,480 did it's all on 747 00:37:20,639 --> 00:37:29,279 me I just want a discussion between the 748 00:37:24,480 --> 00:37:29,280 two boards publicly 749 00:37:30,159 --> 00:37:37,078 that's also why I changed item 750 00:37:34,159 --> 00:37:39,159 five on the 751 00:37:37,079 --> 00:37:41,960 agenda we're just going to have to have 752 00:37:39,159 --> 00:37:41,960 a one-way 753 00:37:42,318 --> 00:37:50,239 discussion all right 754 00:37:45,599 --> 00:37:50,240 uh moving on to unfinished 755 00:37:51,280 --> 00:37:55,680 business do we have 756 00:37:53,358 --> 00:37:58,199 anything 757 00:37:55,679 --> 00:37:59,159 no all right then we'll move right into 758 00:37:58,199 --> 00:38:02,159 new 759 00:37:59,159 --> 00:38:02,159 business 760 00:38:02,239 --> 00:38:08,159 um the authorization to take legal 761 00:38:05,119 --> 00:38:10,400 action against property owners for uh 762 00:38:08,159 --> 00:38:12,318 zoning violation you've all had a chance 763 00:38:10,400 --> 00:38:16,000 to look at 764 00:38:12,318 --> 00:38:19,000 that uh this has been going on for 765 00:38:16,000 --> 00:38:21,800 looking for my sheet here this has been 766 00:38:19,000 --> 00:38:25,880 going on for quite a while 767 00:38:21,800 --> 00:38:28,960 um uh after uh many requests there was a 768 00:38:25,880 --> 00:38:32,079 house fire in uh just a summary 769 00:38:28,960 --> 00:38:34,400 for for the residents there was a house 770 00:38:32,079 --> 00:38:38,800 fire on April 6 771 00:38:34,400 --> 00:38:41,000 2023 it was a total loss and in need of 772 00:38:38,800 --> 00:38:43,880 demolition you can see some of the 773 00:38:41,000 --> 00:38:48,318 pictures there was a partial 774 00:38:43,880 --> 00:38:51,200 demolition then the owners sold the 775 00:38:48,318 --> 00:38:53,480 property to 776 00:38:51,199 --> 00:38:57,480 another 777 00:38:53,480 --> 00:39:01,480 owner and the demolition is still not 778 00:38:57,480 --> 00:39:05,400 complete It's actually an extremely uh 779 00:39:01,480 --> 00:39:07,800 it's a safety hazard I mean uh kids 780 00:39:05,400 --> 00:39:09,559 could easily get play and get hurt in 781 00:39:07,800 --> 00:39:12,200 that 782 00:39:09,559 --> 00:39:13,759 area uh we've been going back and forth 783 00:39:12,199 --> 00:39:18,078 with the current 784 00:39:13,760 --> 00:39:23,520 owners uh we had Chuck send them a 785 00:39:18,079 --> 00:39:29,680 letter and uh never heard respon no 786 00:39:23,519 --> 00:39:31,719 response so I I mean the the um the 787 00:39:29,679 --> 00:39:35,559 zoning Administration we're we're at our 788 00:39:31,719 --> 00:39:38,719 wits end so uh I I think we only have 789 00:39:35,559 --> 00:39:40,480 one more choice and that's for uh for to 790 00:39:38,719 --> 00:39:45,399 take legal 791 00:39:40,480 --> 00:39:47,679 action so I'm uh looking for uh approval 792 00:39:45,400 --> 00:39:49,280 from the board to do that I have a 793 00:39:47,679 --> 00:39:52,159 question for Chuck what do you recommend 794 00:39:49,280 --> 00:39:53,800 Chuck legal action legal action okay um 795 00:39:52,159 --> 00:39:56,118 that's the only way you're going to at 796 00:39:53,800 --> 00:39:56,960 least move the ball a little bit but if 797 00:39:56,119 --> 00:39:58,039 I can give you a little bit of 798 00:39:56,960 --> 00:40:00,318 background 799 00:39:58,039 --> 00:40:02,358 um just based on my experience 800 00:40:00,318 --> 00:40:06,279 Prosecuting these violations of the 801 00:40:02,358 --> 00:40:08,519 beautification ordinance is that um we 802 00:40:06,280 --> 00:40:11,680 can bring an action against them we can 803 00:40:08,519 --> 00:40:13,599 get a judgment against them then to get 804 00:40:11,679 --> 00:40:17,078 them to do what the Judgment tells them 805 00:40:13,599 --> 00:40:19,760 to do is another problem in our system 806 00:40:17,079 --> 00:40:22,039 we may go back to court several times in 807 00:40:19,760 --> 00:40:25,079 front of the judge asking that the judge 808 00:40:22,039 --> 00:40:27,119 find the individuals in contempt for 809 00:40:25,079 --> 00:40:28,720 failure to follow through with the court 810 00:40:27,119 --> 00:40:32,318 or 811 00:40:28,719 --> 00:40:33,239 and it takes quite some time but even if 812 00:40:32,318 --> 00:40:36,679 there 813 00:40:33,239 --> 00:40:39,639 is action by the court the bottom line 814 00:40:36,679 --> 00:40:41,960 is if the people don't have the money to 815 00:40:39,639 --> 00:40:45,239 do what needs to be done it's not going 816 00:40:41,960 --> 00:40:48,639 to get done we have a judgment out 817 00:40:45,239 --> 00:40:52,039 against another property in the township 818 00:40:48,639 --> 00:40:56,000 there's a partially um caved in building 819 00:40:52,039 --> 00:40:58,039 I think it's on Old 23 somewhere yes uh 820 00:40:56,000 --> 00:41:02,358 the judge gave 821 00:40:58,039 --> 00:41:04,800 that indiv owner ample time to either 822 00:41:02,358 --> 00:41:08,559 demolish the structure and remove the 823 00:41:04,800 --> 00:41:10,839 debris or to rehabilitate it and when I 824 00:41:08,559 --> 00:41:12,838 say rehabilitate it that means they have 825 00:41:10,838 --> 00:41:14,039 to do it with the approval of the County 826 00:41:12,838 --> 00:41:16,960 building 827 00:41:14,039 --> 00:41:20,159 department after almost a year and a 828 00:41:16,960 --> 00:41:22,159 half of the judge repeatedly ordering 829 00:41:20,159 --> 00:41:24,719 this person either to demolish or 830 00:41:22,159 --> 00:41:28,078 rehabilitate I finally got the judge to 831 00:41:24,719 --> 00:41:30,879 Grant an order requiring to be 832 00:41:28,079 --> 00:41:33,839 demolished and then after repeated 833 00:41:30,880 --> 00:41:36,838 attempts to enforce that I got the judge 834 00:41:33,838 --> 00:41:39,679 to allow the township to enter the 835 00:41:36,838 --> 00:41:42,318 property to demolish the structure and 836 00:41:39,679 --> 00:41:44,279 to haul away the debris that would be at 837 00:41:42,318 --> 00:41:47,239 the Township's cost but they would have 838 00:41:44,280 --> 00:41:50,680 a right to recover that cost in the 839 00:41:47,239 --> 00:41:52,679 normal uh ways that we can so the 840 00:41:50,679 --> 00:41:56,598 Township board has to remember if you're 841 00:41:52,679 --> 00:41:58,879 going to take action on things like this 842 00:41:56,599 --> 00:42:00,519 it could be a long battle and at the end 843 00:41:58,880 --> 00:42:02,519 of the day you have to make the decision 844 00:42:00,519 --> 00:42:05,358 does the Township Board want to 845 00:42:02,519 --> 00:42:07,559 authorize the expenditure of funds to 846 00:42:05,358 --> 00:42:10,519 remove the violation and then hope to 847 00:42:07,559 --> 00:42:13,559 recover it in the normal course and I 848 00:42:10,519 --> 00:42:16,519 can't predict um whether the that was 849 00:42:13,559 --> 00:42:20,239 one of my questions was does it make 850 00:42:16,519 --> 00:42:23,318 sense for the township to clean it up 851 00:42:20,239 --> 00:42:25,159 and place a lean on the property can can 852 00:42:23,318 --> 00:42:28,119 we can we do something like that and get 853 00:42:25,159 --> 00:42:31,199 our money back we can we can ask the 854 00:42:28,119 --> 00:42:33,280 court for an order allowing us to do so 855 00:42:31,199 --> 00:42:36,118 keep in mind it will probably take 856 00:42:33,280 --> 00:42:39,240 several trips back to the court to to 857 00:42:36,119 --> 00:42:41,519 get them to go from giving the homeowner 858 00:42:39,239 --> 00:42:43,719 the option of taking care of it before 859 00:42:41,519 --> 00:42:45,280 the township then has the right to go do 860 00:42:43,719 --> 00:42:48,078 it themselves and then place a lean on 861 00:42:45,280 --> 00:42:49,839 the property uh depending on which judge 862 00:42:48,079 --> 00:42:52,800 we have depending on whether the 863 00:42:49,838 --> 00:42:55,599 homeowner shows up and makes their case 864 00:42:52,800 --> 00:42:57,559 why they should have more time a lot of 865 00:42:55,599 --> 00:42:59,960 those factors go in but at the end of 866 00:42:57,559 --> 00:43:02,640 the day if they don't have the financial 867 00:42:59,960 --> 00:43:04,159 capacity to do that then the township is 868 00:43:02,639 --> 00:43:06,318 going to have to make the decision 869 00:43:04,159 --> 00:43:09,118 whether the township wants to clean up 870 00:43:06,318 --> 00:43:12,079 the violation and hope to recover the 871 00:43:09,119 --> 00:43:14,318 money but I I certainly recommend the 872 00:43:12,079 --> 00:43:15,640 litigation because if not the ball's not 873 00:43:14,318 --> 00:43:18,639 moving 874 00:43:15,639 --> 00:43:22,159 anywhere chck on the uh litigation as 875 00:43:18,639 --> 00:43:23,960 far as like recovery could you for 876 00:43:22,159 --> 00:43:25,838 example I did a lot of work in Flint on 877 00:43:23,960 --> 00:43:27,838 tree work when they had a dangerous tree 878 00:43:25,838 --> 00:43:30,960 there they put that that right on the 879 00:43:27,838 --> 00:43:32,838 tax roll and the person the homeowner 880 00:43:30,960 --> 00:43:35,280 had to pay for that whatever the cost 881 00:43:32,838 --> 00:43:37,239 was to remove the tree they just put it 882 00:43:35,280 --> 00:43:38,800 right on their tax roll and if they 883 00:43:37,239 --> 00:43:41,358 couldn't do that then they seized the 884 00:43:38,800 --> 00:43:43,440 property and the city took it back I can 885 00:43:41,358 --> 00:43:45,920 ask the court for an order to allow us 886 00:43:43,440 --> 00:43:48,159 to place it on the tax rules but you 887 00:43:45,920 --> 00:43:51,079 know what the process is to foreclose on 888 00:43:48,159 --> 00:43:52,879 tax it's that's another several year 889 00:43:51,079 --> 00:43:55,240 process 890 00:43:52,880 --> 00:43:57,960 potentially um but nonetheless you can 891 00:43:55,239 --> 00:43:59,719 get the the the site cleaned up 892 00:43:57,960 --> 00:44:02,280 um and then it's just a question of 893 00:43:59,719 --> 00:44:02,279 attempting to 894 00:44:02,760 --> 00:44:06,200 collect I make a 895 00:44:07,039 --> 00:44:10,039 motion 896 00:44:11,039 --> 00:44:16,558 support all in favor 897 00:44:13,960 --> 00:44:20,519 I uh any 898 00:44:16,559 --> 00:44:22,640 oppose all right well Chuck will I don't 899 00:44:20,519 --> 00:44:26,039 think I said I so I'm just adding that 900 00:44:22,639 --> 00:44:26,039 for the record 901 00:44:27,719 --> 00:44:30,919 I have the sufficient information to 902 00:44:29,239 --> 00:44:32,639 draft the complaint and get it filed so 903 00:44:30,920 --> 00:44:34,358 if the uh the Township Board is 904 00:44:32,639 --> 00:44:36,400 authorizing me to do so I'll prepare the 905 00:44:34,358 --> 00:44:40,519 complaint I'll get it file all right all 906 00:44:36,400 --> 00:44:44,880 right good thank you all right thank 907 00:44:40,519 --> 00:44:49,559 you all right item two 908 00:44:44,880 --> 00:44:53,880 um discuss a a possible board uh meeting 909 00:44:49,559 --> 00:44:57,640 format modification and uh that was 910 00:44:53,880 --> 00:45:01,760 uh uh the board is some of the board 911 00:44:57,639 --> 00:45:06,558 members have asked about having uh more 912 00:45:01,760 --> 00:45:08,359 uh public comment in between each uh 913 00:45:06,559 --> 00:45:13,079 each item on the 914 00:45:08,358 --> 00:45:17,000 agenda uh I went to uh MTA training 915 00:45:13,079 --> 00:45:17,000 Michigan Township and 916 00:45:17,079 --> 00:45:23,240 um it's uh it's really not recommended 917 00:45:21,000 --> 00:45:26,559 to 918 00:45:23,239 --> 00:45:29,358 uh to function as the business we we 919 00:45:26,559 --> 00:45:31,720 really need to keep it uh that portion 920 00:45:29,358 --> 00:45:35,920 of the of the meeting to a minimum with 921 00:45:31,719 --> 00:45:39,639 public but I've also added number six on 922 00:45:35,920 --> 00:45:42,280 this which is uh where we'll discuss 923 00:45:39,639 --> 00:45:44,759 having a a different format meeting 924 00:45:42,280 --> 00:45:47,839 where there'll be more discussion yes uh 925 00:45:44,760 --> 00:45:51,160 opportunity between the board and the 926 00:45:47,838 --> 00:45:54,078 residents so my recommendation there is 927 00:45:51,159 --> 00:45:55,639 to not change the current business 928 00:45:54,079 --> 00:46:00,119 format we 929 00:45:55,639 --> 00:46:02,759 have um but I'm open for discussion with 930 00:46:00,119 --> 00:46:04,960 any of you board 931 00:46:02,760 --> 00:46:07,160 members who brought it up to you to add 932 00:46:04,960 --> 00:46:09,280 more between every option I mean you 933 00:46:07,159 --> 00:46:10,838 have the public right at the beginning 934 00:46:09,280 --> 00:46:12,680 and you have it at the end I mean they 935 00:46:10,838 --> 00:46:14,719 could look through here and see and I 936 00:46:12,679 --> 00:46:16,639 understand that stuff happens but I like 937 00:46:14,719 --> 00:46:19,039 the idea that you're doing this so we 938 00:46:16,639 --> 00:46:21,639 can answer back I also attended that 939 00:46:19,039 --> 00:46:24,400 Michigan thing today Sarah and I did and 940 00:46:21,639 --> 00:46:26,759 we are not to respond back when somebody 941 00:46:24,400 --> 00:46:29,400 ask me a direct question I can't respond 942 00:46:26,760 --> 00:46:32,480 in this thing it's not for that the 943 00:46:29,400 --> 00:46:35,280 workshop it would be correct the law to 944 00:46:32,480 --> 00:46:37,519 respond it's not it's it's it's highly 945 00:46:35,280 --> 00:46:40,119 re it's in the Michigan Township 946 00:46:37,519 --> 00:46:44,960 Association not to respond back this is 947 00:46:40,119 --> 00:46:48,838 just for board thing that's it so it's a 948 00:46:44,960 --> 00:46:50,760 recommendation well the majority I asked 949 00:46:48,838 --> 00:46:52,239 that question in my training and the 950 00:46:50,760 --> 00:46:55,760 majority of the 951 00:46:52,239 --> 00:46:58,159 townships in Michigan operate just like 952 00:46:55,760 --> 00:47:01,599 this 953 00:46:58,159 --> 00:47:05,358 I I brought that up Herman to from you 954 00:47:01,599 --> 00:47:08,559 were asking who brought it up and to me 955 00:47:05,358 --> 00:47:12,000 it makes sense to discuss an issue 956 00:47:08,559 --> 00:47:15,119 between the board on an agenda item and 957 00:47:12,000 --> 00:47:17,440 get the public comments for that issue 958 00:47:15,119 --> 00:47:20,440 it's very difficult as a resident that 959 00:47:17,440 --> 00:47:22,200 I've experienced myself to make public 960 00:47:20,440 --> 00:47:25,559 comments on something before it's even 961 00:47:22,199 --> 00:47:28,039 discussed by the board or to wait until 962 00:47:25,559 --> 00:47:31,480 the end of the meeting and discuss a 963 00:47:28,039 --> 00:47:33,960 public comment after the board has voted 964 00:47:31,480 --> 00:47:35,920 because sometimes the residents have 965 00:47:33,960 --> 00:47:38,599 very important information that we may 966 00:47:35,920 --> 00:47:41,079 as a board have not considered so taking 967 00:47:38,599 --> 00:47:45,519 a short public comment time after each 968 00:47:41,079 --> 00:47:48,000 agenda item could be beneficial to us 969 00:47:45,519 --> 00:47:49,920 especially with uh getting information 970 00:47:48,000 --> 00:47:53,199 from the public and we have a very 971 00:47:49,920 --> 00:47:54,760 knowledgeable public body of residents 972 00:47:53,199 --> 00:47:56,598 that's why I brought it up well I agree 973 00:47:54,760 --> 00:47:59,240 with that but I have also attended in 974 00:47:56,599 --> 00:48:01,160 fact does not have the problem we have 975 00:47:59,239 --> 00:48:04,239 what they have is workshops a lot of 976 00:48:01,159 --> 00:48:06,279 stuff is handled there it is completely 977 00:48:04,239 --> 00:48:08,598 different than this I've attended 978 00:48:06,280 --> 00:48:10,920 several in fact just a couple weeks ago 979 00:48:08,599 --> 00:48:12,599 they have a workshop they talk about it 980 00:48:10,920 --> 00:48:14,760 they set it up in a more of a relaxed 981 00:48:12,599 --> 00:48:16,640 setting Su with the board and then we 982 00:48:14,760 --> 00:48:19,400 can respond back to the citizens when 983 00:48:16,639 --> 00:48:20,960 they ask us stuff and it eliminates a 984 00:48:19,400 --> 00:48:23,519 lot of this stuff because really what 985 00:48:20,960 --> 00:48:26,159 the board thing is is strictly to do 986 00:48:23,519 --> 00:48:28,358 Township business that's it it's not a 987 00:48:26,159 --> 00:48:30,799 conversation to have with the audience 988 00:48:28,358 --> 00:48:32,558 is to strictly do Chuck am I right can 989 00:48:30,800 --> 00:48:34,800 you help me on this you're correct 990 00:48:32,559 --> 00:48:37,280 Workshops the township doesn't take the 991 00:48:34,800 --> 00:48:38,720 official business you discuss things you 992 00:48:37,280 --> 00:48:40,760 hear from the public you can answer 993 00:48:38,719 --> 00:48:43,199 questions the Township board meeting 994 00:48:40,760 --> 00:48:45,520 you're here to conduct the business and 995 00:48:43,199 --> 00:48:47,519 uh the supervisor is correct the vast 996 00:48:45,519 --> 00:48:50,239 majority of townships they listen to the 997 00:48:47,519 --> 00:48:52,920 public and they don't interact 998 00:48:50,239 --> 00:48:54,679 with can I I want to clarify a couple 999 00:48:52,920 --> 00:48:56,240 things about workshops because I've been 1000 00:48:54,679 --> 00:48:58,519 doing a lot of research on this and 1001 00:48:56,239 --> 00:49:00,239 looking into what other communities do 1002 00:48:58,519 --> 00:49:02,559 like Herman said we went to training 1003 00:49:00,239 --> 00:49:04,558 today and I know that's a different 1004 00:49:02,559 --> 00:49:07,559 agenda item but it's directly related to 1005 00:49:04,559 --> 00:49:09,280 the conversation we're having here so my 1006 00:49:07,559 --> 00:49:10,280 understanding is that workshops or a 1007 00:49:09,280 --> 00:49:14,880 work 1008 00:49:10,280 --> 00:49:17,400 session it's not just um a back and 1009 00:49:14,880 --> 00:49:20,119 forth conversation with the residents it 1010 00:49:17,400 --> 00:49:21,599 still has structure where there's you 1011 00:49:20,119 --> 00:49:23,400 call the meeting to order there's a 1012 00:49:21,599 --> 00:49:26,760 public comment the meeting gets 1013 00:49:23,400 --> 00:49:28,240 adjourned um and so it's not just like a 1014 00:49:26,760 --> 00:49:32,520 a town hall where we're all having 1015 00:49:28,239 --> 00:49:35,000 conversations about issues um today I 1016 00:49:32,519 --> 00:49:38,119 learned that there are two types of 1017 00:49:35,000 --> 00:49:40,159 Township meetings and the work session 1018 00:49:38,119 --> 00:49:43,680 or Workshop would fit 1019 00:49:40,159 --> 00:49:48,679 within potentially a regular board 1020 00:49:43,679 --> 00:49:50,879 meeting so one idea would be to think 1021 00:49:48,679 --> 00:49:53,039 about our first board meeting of the 1022 00:49:50,880 --> 00:49:56,880 month incorporating a work session on a 1023 00:49:53,039 --> 00:50:00,279 very specific topic or two um because it 1024 00:49:56,880 --> 00:50:03,358 is set up to be more of a a discussion 1025 00:50:00,280 --> 00:50:05,798 amongst the board and a Q&A it's not 1026 00:50:03,358 --> 00:50:09,279 meant to be something that is voted on 1027 00:50:05,798 --> 00:50:11,679 in that moment so for public engagement 1028 00:50:09,280 --> 00:50:14,079 if we were willing to have those larger 1029 00:50:11,679 --> 00:50:16,719 discussions as a board during a work 1030 00:50:14,079 --> 00:50:18,760 session when that is adjourned going 1031 00:50:16,719 --> 00:50:21,039 forward it wouldn't move from work 1032 00:50:18,760 --> 00:50:23,359 session to board agenda until it's ready 1033 00:50:21,039 --> 00:50:26,279 to be voted on so there's a window of 1034 00:50:23,358 --> 00:50:29,960 time for the public and the residents to 1035 00:50:26,280 --> 00:50:31,559 bring feedback to the board um whether 1036 00:50:29,960 --> 00:50:34,599 that's through email phone calls or 1037 00:50:31,559 --> 00:50:37,440 inperson meetings um but but it's an 1038 00:50:34,599 --> 00:50:39,240 open discussion amongst the board during 1039 00:50:37,440 --> 00:50:41,400 the work session I just I feel like 1040 00:50:39,239 --> 00:50:43,279 maybe that's a way to build that 1041 00:50:41,400 --> 00:50:45,400 engagement piece in a little more 1042 00:50:43,280 --> 00:50:47,640 effectively because really the board 1043 00:50:45,400 --> 00:50:50,880 meeting has to be to conduct board 1044 00:50:47,639 --> 00:50:54,519 business it is the only opportunity that 1045 00:50:50,880 --> 00:50:56,160 the seven of us have to meet together 1046 00:50:54,519 --> 00:50:59,358 and get through the business that we 1047 00:50:56,159 --> 00:51:01,118 have to conduct so if we can incorporate 1048 00:50:59,358 --> 00:51:02,440 that work session somehow I just think 1049 00:51:01,119 --> 00:51:05,240 it would improve 1050 00:51:02,440 --> 00:51:08,559 efficiency that's well let me let me be 1051 00:51:05,239 --> 00:51:11,439 clear just to to clarify because it 1052 00:51:08,559 --> 00:51:13,720 seems as though you interpreted what I 1053 00:51:11,440 --> 00:51:16,318 said to have open discussion dialogue 1054 00:51:13,719 --> 00:51:19,759 back and forth with the residents before 1055 00:51:16,318 --> 00:51:21,000 uh what I'm suggesting is to split our 1056 00:51:19,760 --> 00:51:23,559 comment 1057 00:51:21,000 --> 00:51:27,440 time so that the residents have a chance 1058 00:51:23,559 --> 00:51:30,400 to provide comments right after agenda 1059 00:51:27,440 --> 00:51:32,519 item I've also recommended in the past 1060 00:51:30,400 --> 00:51:34,480 where uh the last board meeting and got 1061 00:51:32,519 --> 00:51:38,000 voted down to add to the agenda the 1062 00:51:34,480 --> 00:51:40,599 workshopping so I'm absolutely all for 1063 00:51:38,000 --> 00:51:42,760 workshops without question so I just 1064 00:51:40,599 --> 00:51:44,480 want to make sure it's clear that I'm 1065 00:51:42,760 --> 00:51:46,640 not opposed to workshops and I look 1066 00:51:44,480 --> 00:51:49,440 forward to that part of the discussion 1067 00:51:46,639 --> 00:51:52,639 but for here I was simply looking at the 1068 00:51:49,440 --> 00:51:55,200 idea of having public comments that are 1069 00:51:52,639 --> 00:51:57,679 relevant to the agenda item so that the 1070 00:51:55,199 --> 00:51:59,598 public has a chance to comment after 1071 00:51:57,679 --> 00:52:02,838 they hear our discussion but before we 1072 00:51:59,599 --> 00:52:04,960 vote that was as simple as all as it was 1073 00:52:02,838 --> 00:52:07,159 and uh I just want to make sure we're 1074 00:52:04,960 --> 00:52:10,440 clear on that I appreciate that I heard 1075 00:52:07,159 --> 00:52:11,960 other comments about you know back and 1076 00:52:10,440 --> 00:52:14,159 forth with the public and that's really 1077 00:52:11,960 --> 00:52:18,440 not what a workshop or work session is 1078 00:52:14,159 --> 00:52:20,558 so that was why I commented the way I 1079 00:52:18,440 --> 00:52:22,760 did Chu do you work with other 1080 00:52:20,559 --> 00:52:24,640 communities have workshops great and 1081 00:52:22,760 --> 00:52:28,400 Township how does that 1082 00:52:24,639 --> 00:52:31,279 go uh it goes similar to a meeting but 1083 00:52:28,400 --> 00:52:33,880 no official business is uh taken up the 1084 00:52:31,280 --> 00:52:36,519 members do have a call to the public 1085 00:52:33,880 --> 00:52:38,318 actually a couple of um there is some 1086 00:52:36,519 --> 00:52:40,719 interaction between the Township board 1087 00:52:38,318 --> 00:52:41,798 members and uh the public as they're 1088 00:52:40,719 --> 00:52:46,679 making their 1089 00:52:41,798 --> 00:52:48,559 comments um not extensive but it happens 1090 00:52:46,679 --> 00:52:51,358 but I will say that Brighton Township 1091 00:52:48,559 --> 00:52:54,440 has more stuff going on yeah entire own 1092 00:52:51,358 --> 00:52:57,318 Township and so their workshops are are 1093 00:52:54,440 --> 00:52:59,960 really more intense and to get through a 1094 00:52:57,318 --> 00:53:01,719 workshop they can't really open it up to 1095 00:52:59,960 --> 00:53:06,318 as as Sarah would say a town hall 1096 00:53:01,719 --> 00:53:06,318 meeting type right um it would last 1097 00:53:07,199 --> 00:53:11,719 forever are those separate from their 1098 00:53:09,318 --> 00:53:12,920 scheduled board meetings or is it work 1099 00:53:11,719 --> 00:53:16,480 they don't occur the same night at the 1100 00:53:12,920 --> 00:53:19,039 Township board meeting okay so they they 1101 00:53:16,480 --> 00:53:21,760 still have their normal formal business 1102 00:53:19,039 --> 00:53:23,798 meeting yes once a month and then maybe 1103 00:53:21,760 --> 00:53:28,359 the other meeting they have the call it 1104 00:53:23,798 --> 00:53:28,358 a workshop Call It Whatever yeah 1105 00:53:33,480 --> 00:53:38,760 any more discussion on number 1106 00:53:36,000 --> 00:53:41,440 two no 1107 00:53:38,760 --> 00:53:45,160 no all right then we'll move to number 1108 00:53:41,440 --> 00:53:46,880 three uh the appointment of a a new 1109 00:53:45,159 --> 00:53:52,399 planning 1110 00:53:46,880 --> 00:53:54,798 commissioner um I received five 1111 00:53:52,400 --> 00:53:59,920 applications 1112 00:53:54,798 --> 00:54:04,280 um Ted uh uh Merc uh withdrew his he was 1113 00:53:59,920 --> 00:54:07,680 the first applicant he uh withdrew 1114 00:54:04,280 --> 00:54:10,920 um uh the time commitment he took 1115 00:54:07,679 --> 00:54:15,679 another uh job and responsibility the 1116 00:54:10,920 --> 00:54:19,519 second application uh is Abigail uh 1117 00:54:15,679 --> 00:54:25,199 carrian um she is uh extremely um 1118 00:54:19,519 --> 00:54:28,798 talented and um uh go get her go get her 1119 00:54:25,199 --> 00:54:31,679 done girl um she's currently working on 1120 00:54:28,798 --> 00:54:33,639 stuff with the Livingston County uh 1121 00:54:31,679 --> 00:54:35,039 planning 1122 00:54:33,639 --> 00:54:37,078 department 1123 00:54:35,039 --> 00:54:41,440 [Music] 1124 00:54:37,079 --> 00:54:45,318 the third application was Zach Tucker I 1125 00:54:41,440 --> 00:54:48,039 think most you know him he's a former 1126 00:54:45,318 --> 00:54:49,358 board member and a uh attorney with 1127 00:54:48,039 --> 00:54:52,199 legal 1128 00:54:49,358 --> 00:54:53,558 experience the fourth application was 1129 00:54:52,199 --> 00:54:57,039 Steve uh 1130 00:54:53,559 --> 00:55:00,440 ainson I think I saw Steve some where 1131 00:54:57,039 --> 00:55:03,400 yeah there um he uh if you're not 1132 00:55:00,440 --> 00:55:07,440 familiar he ran as a trustee he's a 1133 00:55:03,400 --> 00:55:10,798 Township resident for uh quite some 1134 00:55:07,440 --> 00:55:15,039 time and then the uh the fifth applicant 1135 00:55:10,798 --> 00:55:19,880 was John Stevenson who uh is a Township 1136 00:55:15,039 --> 00:55:21,558 resident on uh ran lake has uh 25 years 1137 00:55:19,880 --> 00:55:24,798 with the uh 1138 00:55:21,559 --> 00:55:29,640 Detroit uh police department and then 1139 00:55:24,798 --> 00:55:32,599 another uh I don't know 10 or 15 with uh 1140 00:55:29,639 --> 00:55:35,440 uh Township on the east 1141 00:55:32,599 --> 00:55:41,400 side Clinton Clinton Township I believe 1142 00:55:35,440 --> 00:55:41,400 it is so uh extensive experience in law 1143 00:55:41,880 --> 00:55:47,838 enforcement 1144 00:55:43,400 --> 00:55:50,358 um in the past uh the supervisor would 1145 00:55:47,838 --> 00:55:52,639 offer when I was on the zoning board of 1146 00:55:50,358 --> 00:55:55,759 appeals he would come to me with 1147 00:55:52,639 --> 00:55:58,759 applicants and and ask for my opinion I 1148 00:55:55,760 --> 00:56:02,039 extended that same courtesy to John 1149 00:55:58,760 --> 00:56:05,520 Ward uh seem as how this is he's the 1150 00:56:02,039 --> 00:56:09,760 chairman of that board I I valued his 1151 00:56:05,519 --> 00:56:11,679 opinion and uh both him and I um come 1152 00:56:09,760 --> 00:56:15,359 kind of to the same conclusion that we 1153 00:56:11,679 --> 00:56:19,598 felt that the uh the uh legal experience 1154 00:56:15,358 --> 00:56:22,838 of Zack Tucker would be the best uh fit 1155 00:56:19,599 --> 00:56:26,680 for the current opening on the 1156 00:56:22,838 --> 00:56:32,358 board but uh I believe 1157 00:56:26,679 --> 00:56:35,279 the applicants are here uh if not but 1158 00:56:32,358 --> 00:56:39,400 uh I ask each of them and I think 1159 00:56:35,280 --> 00:56:39,400 they're available to answer any of your 1160 00:56:41,679 --> 00:56:46,358 questions do we want to bring them M and 1161 00:56:43,639 --> 00:56:48,798 see why they want to be part of it just 1162 00:56:46,358 --> 00:56:50,279 to get why they want to be part of this 1163 00:56:48,798 --> 00:56:52,358 I only know a few of them I don't know 1164 00:56:50,280 --> 00:56:54,440 all of them okay well did you interview 1165 00:56:52,358 --> 00:56:56,679 all of them right I talked to each of 1166 00:56:54,440 --> 00:56:59,000 them yes individually I didn't talk to 1167 00:56:56,679 --> 00:57:00,239 them face to face all of them some of 1168 00:56:59,000 --> 00:57:03,880 them was on the 1169 00:57:00,239 --> 00:57:05,838 phone um but uh you talk to every one of 1170 00:57:03,880 --> 00:57:09,519 them why you 1171 00:57:05,838 --> 00:57:09,519 don't chall you on 1172 00:57:12,358 --> 00:57:18,119 that so do you have any questions of any 1173 00:57:15,159 --> 00:57:22,000 of I don't have any questions I'm ready 1174 00:57:18,119 --> 00:57:25,400 to make a motion I have some questions 1175 00:57:22,000 --> 00:57:27,400 okay uh I just would uh you know like to 1176 00:57:25,400 --> 00:57:30,880 clarify because because you didn't have 1177 00:57:27,400 --> 00:57:35,358 a discussion with uh John Stevenson so 1178 00:57:30,880 --> 00:57:38,559 we just for the record according to John 1179 00:57:35,358 --> 00:57:41,000 but um I'd like to ask if if Zack 1180 00:57:38,559 --> 00:57:44,000 Tucker's your pick I'd like to ask a few 1181 00:57:41,000 --> 00:57:44,000 questions 1182 00:57:45,280 --> 00:57:51,200 sure good evening happy to answer any 1183 00:57:47,639 --> 00:57:53,279 questions you might have hi Zach um 1184 00:57:51,199 --> 00:57:57,439 so what 1185 00:57:53,280 --> 00:58:00,839 uh with with regard to uh your slot on 1186 00:57:57,440 --> 00:58:01,798 the Township Board uh and not winning 1187 00:58:00,838 --> 00:58:04,920 the 1188 00:58:01,798 --> 00:58:09,038 election the people seem to have spoken 1189 00:58:04,920 --> 00:58:12,680 pretty loudly for change right and so 1190 00:58:09,039 --> 00:58:16,599 what do you believe would qualify you 1191 00:58:12,679 --> 00:58:19,399 than to have this reward of a Planning 1192 00:58:16,599 --> 00:58:21,960 Commission position uh with with the 1193 00:58:19,400 --> 00:58:23,760 Planning Commission uh even though the 1194 00:58:21,960 --> 00:58:27,960 public didn't have the confidence to 1195 00:58:23,760 --> 00:58:29,799 reelect you as a Township Board trustee 1196 00:58:27,960 --> 00:58:31,240 I guess I'm not sure that I necessarily 1197 00:58:29,798 --> 00:58:36,960 agree with your characterization of the 1198 00:58:31,239 --> 00:58:36,959 circumstances that being said um 1199 00:58:38,719 --> 00:58:45,838 my so I I work at a law firm I've been 1200 00:58:41,838 --> 00:58:49,679 working at a law firm for oh be 13 years 1201 00:58:45,838 --> 00:58:52,000 now um I do all sorts of work there some 1202 00:58:49,679 --> 00:58:53,759 of which is representing businesses 1203 00:58:52,000 --> 00:58:56,400 Gennesse County Livingston County 1204 00:58:53,760 --> 00:58:58,680 Oakland County uh the decision that 1205 00:58:56,400 --> 00:58:59,960 businesses make are are quite similar to 1206 00:58:58,679 --> 00:59:04,239 the decisions that are made by the 1207 00:58:59,960 --> 00:59:06,400 Township Board um I can offer my 1208 00:59:04,239 --> 00:59:09,199 expertise in that general area we also 1209 00:59:06,400 --> 00:59:10,880 handle a lot of real property disputes 1210 00:59:09,199 --> 00:59:13,038 so you know some of the issues like what 1211 00:59:10,880 --> 00:59:15,200 were before the board this evening I 1212 00:59:13,039 --> 00:59:17,119 have experience litigating those in 1213 00:59:15,199 --> 00:59:19,239 court can commiserate with Chuck's 1214 00:59:17,119 --> 00:59:22,160 experience in terms of some of the 1215 00:59:19,239 --> 00:59:23,798 difficulties that the township faces um 1216 00:59:22,159 --> 00:59:27,719 and there's a lot of things that are 1217 00:59:23,798 --> 00:59:30,759 going on right now in terms of of the 1218 00:59:27,719 --> 00:59:34,159 state government and in terms of efforts 1219 00:59:30,760 --> 00:59:36,520 to curtail the ability of our townships 1220 00:59:34,159 --> 00:59:38,440 to operate and regulate and you know 1221 00:59:36,519 --> 00:59:41,440 that's an area where my legal expertise 1222 00:59:38,440 --> 00:59:43,079 is is particularly important um because 1223 00:59:41,440 --> 00:59:44,960 at least from my perspective anyway we 1224 00:59:43,079 --> 00:59:47,960 want to do everything we can retain that 1225 00:59:44,960 --> 00:59:50,400 ability to to regulate our Township so 1226 00:59:47,960 --> 00:59:53,240 I've got a lot to offer um I'm here to 1227 00:59:50,400 --> 00:59:55,400 work with uh the township and I'm I'm 1228 00:59:53,239 --> 00:59:57,318 happy to serve and quite frankly just 1229 00:59:55,400 --> 01:00:00,039 about any manner that I can which is why 1230 00:59:57,318 --> 01:00:02,558 I'm here I'm not here for a reward or or 1231 01:00:00,039 --> 01:00:05,000 an honor um I'm here to try and help the 1232 01:00:02,559 --> 01:00:08,880 place that I love and I live 1233 01:00:05,000 --> 01:00:13,079 so do you um I'm sorry I just to follow 1234 01:00:08,880 --> 01:00:15,358 up real quick uh so those litigations of 1235 01:00:13,079 --> 01:00:17,920 course that are in front of the state 1236 01:00:15,358 --> 01:00:19,679 government are important but I never 1237 01:00:17,920 --> 01:00:22,440 heard you bring them up and all the time 1238 01:00:19,679 --> 01:00:25,118 that I've been attending Township board 1239 01:00:22,440 --> 01:00:28,599 meetings in the past were they not 1240 01:00:25,119 --> 01:00:30,760 relevant for then well that that's 1241 01:00:28,599 --> 01:00:34,760 actually not true I ask you a question 1242 01:00:30,760 --> 01:00:36,359 it's not I mean okay well I guess if I'm 1243 01:00:34,760 --> 01:00:38,559 not allowed to respond I'm not sure not 1244 01:00:36,358 --> 01:00:42,440 sure how to please I thought I thought 1245 01:00:38,559 --> 01:00:44,720 okay um that that's not true and in fact 1246 01:00:42,440 --> 01:00:47,559 there were several occasions some of 1247 01:00:44,719 --> 01:00:50,279 which were very recent um that I voted 1248 01:00:47,559 --> 01:00:52,599 against what I would have probably 1249 01:00:50,280 --> 01:00:54,359 otherwise voted as a board member 1250 01:00:52,599 --> 01:00:56,599 because of the potential legal 1251 01:00:54,358 --> 01:00:59,038 ramifications of a decision I'm not 1252 01:00:56,599 --> 01:01:00,599 going to compromise uh a position that 1253 01:00:59,039 --> 01:01:03,280 the township may have by giving more 1254 01:01:00,599 --> 01:01:06,359 detail than that um but it's happened on 1255 01:01:03,280 --> 01:01:10,280 several occasions and 1256 01:01:06,358 --> 01:01:12,440 so all right thank you Zach no problem 1257 01:01:10,280 --> 01:01:12,440 thank 1258 01:01:16,679 --> 01:01:23,440 you so you move to make all right I uh 1259 01:01:20,960 --> 01:01:27,079 looking for a motion to make my my 1260 01:01:23,440 --> 01:01:28,280 recommendation to Zack Tucker so moved 1261 01:01:27,079 --> 01:01:34,519 I'll 1262 01:01:28,280 --> 01:01:40,039 second all in favor I I oppose 1263 01:01:34,519 --> 01:01:40,038 no all right Zach thank you thank 1264 01:01:41,679 --> 01:01:48,480 you all 1265 01:01:45,039 --> 01:01:50,960 right my uh amended agenda discuss the 1266 01:01:48,480 --> 01:01:53,838 township I apologize before moving off 1267 01:01:50,960 --> 01:01:55,559 that one there is a document in the 1268 01:01:53,838 --> 01:01:58,679 meeting packet called the planning 1269 01:01:55,559 --> 01:02:00,920 commit three-year term and it looks like 1270 01:01:58,679 --> 01:02:02,960 they did insert my name but it's got 1271 01:02:00,920 --> 01:02:05,079 information not relevant to me on the 1272 01:02:02,960 --> 01:02:07,599 dates so if that could be corrected if 1273 01:02:05,079 --> 01:02:09,559 it's an official document uh that needs 1274 01:02:07,599 --> 01:02:11,519 to be corrected that was already 1275 01:02:09,559 --> 01:02:13,359 corrected that was just so that we all 1276 01:02:11,519 --> 01:02:16,519 understood the term limits and how 1277 01:02:13,358 --> 01:02:20,558 they're staggered so it had been removed 1278 01:02:16,519 --> 01:02:23,679 but it was done after this packet okay 1279 01:02:20,559 --> 01:02:26,160 yeah all right it's been fixed okay just 1280 01:02:23,679 --> 01:02:29,519 verifying I'm just trying to keep every 1281 01:02:26,159 --> 01:02:31,558 document that's related to the uh uh to 1282 01:02:29,519 --> 01:02:34,719 the township 1283 01:02:31,559 --> 01:02:34,720 accurate thank 1284 01:02:34,920 --> 01:02:43,639 you okay so uh number five we're good 1285 01:02:40,079 --> 01:02:45,720 discuss the Township's current uh uh 1286 01:02:43,639 --> 01:02:50,798 position regarding the wind battery 1287 01:02:45,719 --> 01:02:53,519 solar ordinances and master plan um uh I 1288 01:02:50,798 --> 01:02:55,960 spoke with Jennifer who has had a 1289 01:02:53,519 --> 01:03:00,079 conversation with Laura 1290 01:02:55,960 --> 01:03:00,838 of uh Foster and Swift and uh would you 1291 01:03:00,079 --> 01:03:03,640 like 1292 01:03:00,838 --> 01:03:05,038 to I I guess you and I have had a 1293 01:03:03,639 --> 01:03:08,038 conversation maybe you can tell the rest 1294 01:03:05,039 --> 01:03:11,839 of the board um so I had a conversation 1295 01:03:08,039 --> 01:03:14,920 with Laura on December 10th um I had 1296 01:03:11,838 --> 01:03:16,400 asked her originally why when we did the 1297 01:03:14,920 --> 01:03:18,960 master plan why we wouldn't have 1298 01:03:16,400 --> 01:03:21,358 Incorporated the solar wind and um 1299 01:03:18,960 --> 01:03:24,599 battery and she said that it is not it 1300 01:03:21,358 --> 01:03:26,759 was not necessary she and I'm going to 1301 01:03:24,599 --> 01:03:29,480 read her what she's 1302 01:03:26,760 --> 01:03:32,319 what she said so I don't mess it up um a 1303 01:03:29,480 --> 01:03:35,519 master plan is not an end all Beall it's 1304 01:03:32,318 --> 01:03:37,880 a guideline for planning purposes it's 1305 01:03:35,519 --> 01:03:40,719 reviewed um intended to be reviewed 1306 01:03:37,880 --> 01:03:43,480 every 5 years and amended every 10 years 1307 01:03:40,719 --> 01:03:45,199 it is not going to hurt you if the wind 1308 01:03:43,480 --> 01:03:48,159 battery and solar are not in the master 1309 01:03:45,199 --> 01:03:49,759 plan in fact many communities just added 1310 01:03:48,159 --> 01:03:52,719 the new ordinances because of the new 1311 01:03:49,760 --> 01:03:56,000 state laws that were passed in October 1312 01:03:52,719 --> 01:03:59,759 um and they do not have them in their 1313 01:03:56,000 --> 01:04:02,559 Master plans um ordinances our ordinance 1314 01:03:59,760 --> 01:04:05,880 and defined overlay map is what protects 1315 01:04:02,559 --> 01:04:08,798 the township and will be uphold in 1316 01:04:05,880 --> 01:04:12,880 court um right now the law defines the 1317 01:04:08,798 --> 01:04:15,838 utility solar scale solar wind and 1318 01:04:12,880 --> 01:04:20,160 energy facilities are not and they're 1319 01:04:15,838 --> 01:04:21,759 out of our hands um that's why you know 1320 01:04:20,159 --> 01:04:24,480 the 80 townships went together and 1321 01:04:21,760 --> 01:04:26,480 joined on that appeal with them um she 1322 01:04:24,480 --> 01:04:29,240 advised that we sit tight and see how 1323 01:04:26,480 --> 01:04:31,480 the appeal plays out um and her question 1324 01:04:29,239 --> 01:04:33,798 was to the board why would you want to 1325 01:04:31,480 --> 01:04:35,960 spend more money on something when we 1326 01:04:33,798 --> 01:04:37,079 have no control over it right now and 1327 01:04:35,960 --> 01:04:41,079 that means 1328 01:04:37,079 --> 01:04:42,720 amending why would we ask to amend that 1329 01:04:41,079 --> 01:04:44,798 um when we've already finished that 1330 01:04:42,719 --> 01:04:47,038 process and it's out of our hands so on 1331 01:04:44,798 --> 01:04:49,880 all that goes through the appeal process 1332 01:04:47,039 --> 01:04:53,160 and if we win that and get that control 1333 01:04:49,880 --> 01:04:55,480 back um then that 1334 01:04:53,159 --> 01:04:57,399 should then at that time I have a 1335 01:04:55,480 --> 01:04:59,798 question question may may I ask a 1336 01:04:57,400 --> 01:05:02,440 question about that please I'm sorry 1337 01:04:59,798 --> 01:05:05,679 were you finished that's uh so two 1338 01:05:02,440 --> 01:05:08,960 things the U the litigation by Foster 1339 01:05:05,679 --> 01:05:12,159 Swift and about 80 approximately 80 1340 01:05:08,960 --> 01:05:15,159 townships is not about 1341 01:05:12,159 --> 01:05:17,558 p233 it's about the mpsc's 1342 01:05:15,159 --> 01:05:22,558 interpretation or reinterpretation of 1343 01:05:17,559 --> 01:05:26,079 the law so the p233 still stands as the 1344 01:05:22,559 --> 01:05:29,480 law as it's written so the challenge is 1345 01:05:26,079 --> 01:05:31,960 not to the law it's the mpsc's 1346 01:05:29,480 --> 01:05:34,880 interpretation of the law which is quite 1347 01:05:31,960 --> 01:05:39,079 different so it doesn't protect us from 1348 01:05:34,880 --> 01:05:42,720 the law being executed in that sense if 1349 01:05:39,079 --> 01:05:47,039 if there it doesn't stop applicants from 1350 01:05:42,719 --> 01:05:51,199 uh applying under the PA 233 it simply 1351 01:05:47,039 --> 01:05:55,359 is challenging mpsc trying to interpret 1352 01:05:51,199 --> 01:05:58,078 the law that which uh which Foster Swift 1353 01:05:55,358 --> 01:05:59,960 is is suggesting it's not lawful for 1354 01:05:58,079 --> 01:06:03,920 them to do under but it also takes it 1355 01:05:59,960 --> 01:06:06,480 out of our hands we have no say over a 1356 01:06:03,920 --> 01:06:09,440 certain correct me if I'm wrong Chuck 1357 01:06:06,480 --> 01:06:11,400 over a per certain uh acreage we have no 1358 01:06:09,440 --> 01:06:14,079 say the town has no say they can come to 1359 01:06:11,400 --> 01:06:16,079 us and ask for it or they can just go to 1360 01:06:14,079 --> 01:06:18,720 the state bypass us all together that's 1361 01:06:16,079 --> 01:06:22,400 correct that's the power power grab by 1362 01:06:18,719 --> 01:06:25,278 the state well and really if if you have 1363 01:06:22,400 --> 01:06:28,079 specific questions we ought to get Laura 1364 01:06:25,278 --> 01:06:32,000 here yeah yeah absolutely which which we 1365 01:06:28,079 --> 01:06:34,240 have asked for um the other the other 1366 01:06:32,000 --> 01:06:36,159 part of asking the Planning Commission 1367 01:06:34,239 --> 01:06:39,598 to revisit the 1368 01:06:36,159 --> 01:06:41,838 ordinances is not about changing or 1369 01:06:39,599 --> 01:06:44,760 trying to challenge PA 1370 01:06:41,838 --> 01:06:49,000 233 it's to tighten up the things that 1371 01:06:44,760 --> 01:06:54,240 fall outside of PA 233 for example 1372 01:06:49,000 --> 01:06:58,798 requiring uh requiring any applicant to 1373 01:06:54,239 --> 01:07:03,519 commit to uh independently verified I 1374 01:06:58,798 --> 01:07:06,519 e519 uh code adherence or the uh 1375 01:07:03,519 --> 01:07:11,038 Electrical uh the national electrical 1376 01:07:06,519 --> 01:07:16,199 safety uh code uh 1377 01:07:11,039 --> 01:07:18,000 289d and 90 I'm sorry and 92 92d and two 1378 01:07:16,199 --> 01:07:20,759 uh I'll get the numbers there are 1379 01:07:18,000 --> 01:07:24,559 electrical codes that are required by 1380 01:07:20,760 --> 01:07:29,880 law to be implemented which not all 1381 01:07:24,559 --> 01:07:33,039 installers are um are adhering to after 1382 01:07:29,880 --> 01:07:36,119 the fact and so in these particular 1383 01:07:33,039 --> 01:07:39,480 instances our ordinances don't have this 1384 01:07:36,119 --> 01:07:41,160 specific language to ensure that they do 1385 01:07:39,480 --> 01:07:43,960 which can act as a 1386 01:07:41,159 --> 01:07:47,318 deterrent against applicants because 1387 01:07:43,960 --> 01:07:49,278 it's quite expensive to be independently 1388 01:07:47,318 --> 01:07:52,719 verified and things of that nature 1389 01:07:49,278 --> 01:07:55,079 that's one example other examples are uh 1390 01:07:52,719 --> 01:07:57,798 being able to the fact that we have put 1391 01:07:55,079 --> 01:08:00,318 in our solar I'm sorry the battery and 1392 01:07:57,798 --> 01:08:03,239 the wind ordinances today that we would 1393 01:08:00,318 --> 01:08:06,880 comply with PA 233 1394 01:08:03,239 --> 01:08:08,879 appropriately but nothing below the 1395 01:08:06,880 --> 01:08:11,480 mandated 1396 01:08:08,880 --> 01:08:14,680 p233 would be allowed in our Township at 1397 01:08:11,480 --> 01:08:17,439 all it's completely prohibited but for 1398 01:08:14,679 --> 01:08:21,798 solar we chose not to prohibit 1399 01:08:17,439 --> 01:08:25,519 commercial in industrial we chose to 1400 01:08:21,798 --> 01:08:29,600 instead write it so that you could in 1401 01:08:25,520 --> 01:08:31,199 install commercial industrial on say 25 1402 01:08:29,600 --> 01:08:34,759 acres 50 1403 01:08:31,198 --> 01:08:39,318 acres below the minimum standard of what 1404 01:08:34,759 --> 01:08:41,798 PA 233 is is requiring from us and and 1405 01:08:39,319 --> 01:08:44,080 so one of the other things to do is to 1406 01:08:41,798 --> 01:08:46,399 look at have the discussion in the 1407 01:08:44,079 --> 01:08:50,000 planning committee in the planning uh 1408 01:08:46,399 --> 01:08:52,679 commission commission to be able to 1409 01:08:50,000 --> 01:08:54,920 discuss these types of changes do we 1410 01:08:52,679 --> 01:08:57,719 want to prohibit below that but then 1411 01:08:54,920 --> 01:09:00,319 tighten up the provision to allow 1412 01:08:57,719 --> 01:09:02,560 residential for example because 1413 01:09:00,319 --> 01:09:03,960 residents have the right to put a solar 1414 01:09:02,560 --> 01:09:06,600 installation on their house for 1415 01:09:03,960 --> 01:09:10,319 residential purposes and I've considered 1416 01:09:06,600 --> 01:09:14,920 it myself so it's these types of things 1417 01:09:10,319 --> 01:09:18,120 that are not considered mandated in PA 1418 01:09:14,920 --> 01:09:21,119 233 that are important part of 1419 01:09:18,119 --> 01:09:21,119 rediscussed 1420 01:09:25,399 --> 01:09:31,079 that we hadn't considered uh with regard 1421 01:09:28,319 --> 01:09:33,440 to the other two ordinances to make sure 1422 01:09:31,079 --> 01:09:36,960 we're as tight as possible in light of 1423 01:09:33,439 --> 01:09:39,719 these two very important 1424 01:09:36,960 --> 01:09:43,198 examples any thoughts or questions for 1425 01:09:39,719 --> 01:09:47,439 me no with I'll do with respect um the 1426 01:09:43,198 --> 01:09:51,119 board or the um residents wished for us 1427 01:09:47,439 --> 01:09:53,559 to consult with someone um that this is 1428 01:09:51,119 --> 01:09:55,760 their major right thank Laura that's 1429 01:09:53,560 --> 01:09:59,159 what she does and we did that the board 1430 01:09:55,760 --> 01:10:01,840 did that um the previous board did that 1431 01:09:59,158 --> 01:10:04,799 and this these ordinances were written 1432 01:10:01,840 --> 01:10:08,760 with her help um with the man with the 1433 01:10:04,800 --> 01:10:11,279 planning commission's help um well with 1434 01:10:08,760 --> 01:10:15,920 with Chris on that board 1435 01:10:11,279 --> 01:10:18,519 now I think you can bring that to light 1436 01:10:15,920 --> 01:10:21,158 um with the rest of the members of the 1437 01:10:18,520 --> 01:10:23,480 commission so that I 1438 01:10:21,158 --> 01:10:25,319 mean they can definitely have those 1439 01:10:23,479 --> 01:10:27,000 conversations yeah you can be a part 1440 01:10:25,319 --> 01:10:29,198 part of that it's all we're talking 1441 01:10:27,000 --> 01:10:30,840 about it's having the discussion having 1442 01:10:29,198 --> 01:10:31,879 the conversation why I'm glad you're on 1443 01:10:30,840 --> 01:10:34,159 that 1444 01:10:31,880 --> 01:10:36,319 board hey Greg I have a question for 1445 01:10:34,158 --> 01:10:38,319 Chuck do you recommend Chuck that we 1446 01:10:36,319 --> 01:10:40,399 bring Laura in on our January 7th 1447 01:10:38,319 --> 01:10:42,439 meeting for question if you're going to 1448 01:10:40,399 --> 01:10:44,639 discuss this matter on that date 1449 01:10:42,439 --> 01:10:47,759 absolutely or do we wait for the appeal 1450 01:10:44,640 --> 01:10:50,440 like what do we do H it it sounds like 1451 01:10:47,760 --> 01:10:52,520 you have she said to wait can I can I 1452 01:10:50,439 --> 01:10:56,799 say something Laura we're in 1453 01:10:52,520 --> 01:10:59,199 conversation with Laura yes the 1454 01:10:56,800 --> 01:11:00,679 zoning we're we're we're talking I just 1455 01:10:59,198 --> 01:11:02,960 wanted to ask Chuck with he his 1456 01:11:00,679 --> 01:11:05,279 recommendation y if if you're going to 1457 01:11:02,960 --> 01:11:07,279 have specific questions on this right if 1458 01:11:05,279 --> 01:11:10,079 there's a disagreement amongst board 1459 01:11:07,279 --> 01:11:12,198 members on what the law says you ought 1460 01:11:10,079 --> 01:11:15,158 to have your expert here Yep this is a 1461 01:11:12,198 --> 01:11:18,599 Cutting Edge thing you need people that 1462 01:11:15,158 --> 01:11:20,439 deal primarily with that issue exactly 1463 01:11:18,600 --> 01:11:22,239 does the board need to take an action in 1464 01:11:20,439 --> 01:11:25,639 order for the Planning Commission to 1465 01:11:22,238 --> 01:11:27,238 discuss these ordinances 1466 01:11:25,640 --> 01:11:30,840 what do you mean by does it have to take 1467 01:11:27,238 --> 01:11:33,359 action like does the board need to 1468 01:11:30,840 --> 01:11:35,000 necessarily make a motion to approve 1469 01:11:33,359 --> 01:11:38,238 anything or can the Planning Commission 1470 01:11:35,000 --> 01:11:42,439 simply discuss that this is something of 1471 01:11:38,238 --> 01:11:46,198 importance we no we cannot direct the PC 1472 01:11:42,439 --> 01:11:48,000 we cannot direct so then I guess I don't 1473 01:11:46,198 --> 01:11:50,279 understand what we're trying to but you 1474 01:11:48,000 --> 01:11:54,119 have you have a liaz on from the board 1475 01:11:50,279 --> 01:11:57,119 the PC he he's our Chris is our guy I 1476 01:11:54,119 --> 01:11:59,760 understand that okay and so the matter 1477 01:11:57,119 --> 01:12:02,000 can come to life at the PC through the 1478 01:11:59,760 --> 01:12:03,800 Thea on if that's what is going to 1479 01:12:02,000 --> 01:12:06,760 happen or any of the other members on 1480 01:12:03,800 --> 01:12:06,760 the PC 1481 01:12:08,520 --> 01:12:14,960 okay am I missing something I no I'm 1482 01:12:11,960 --> 01:12:17,520 just trying to discuss Township business 1483 01:12:14,960 --> 01:12:19,439 at the board that's the whole purpose of 1484 01:12:17,520 --> 01:12:21,239 discussing this that's it got it and 1485 01:12:19,439 --> 01:12:24,079 that's really that's really what number 1486 01:12:21,238 --> 01:12:26,439 five is about it really no I'm not 1487 01:12:24,079 --> 01:12:27,439 looking for a resolution or any vote 1488 01:12:26,439 --> 01:12:31,399 just a 1489 01:12:27,439 --> 01:12:33,678 discussion okay and and hopes that uh 1490 01:12:31,399 --> 01:12:36,960 the next meeting Chris as he gets going 1491 01:12:33,679 --> 01:12:39,158 will update us on what's going on in the 1492 01:12:36,960 --> 01:12:44,840 in the Planning Commission at every 1493 01:12:39,158 --> 01:12:44,839 meeting correct that's the goal thank 1494 01:12:45,198 --> 01:12:47,759 you 1495 01:12:46,350 --> 01:12:52,560 [Music] 1496 01:12:47,760 --> 01:12:55,400 um so are we good to move on yep all 1497 01:12:52,560 --> 01:12:59,239 right moving on to number six 1498 01:12:55,399 --> 01:13:01,399 which is the uh discussion of uh future 1499 01:12:59,238 --> 01:13:07,319 workshops which we kind of touched down 1500 01:13:01,399 --> 01:13:12,158 already um I am uh I 1501 01:13:07,319 --> 01:13:14,880 am well Sarah talking with Pat 1502 01:13:12,158 --> 01:13:18,079 Lockwood um um I haven't confirmed that 1503 01:13:14,880 --> 01:13:19,119 she can attend okay uh we were talking 1504 01:13:18,079 --> 01:13:22,039 with 1505 01:13:19,119 --> 01:13:25,679 the possibly having Pat Lockwood come in 1506 01:13:22,039 --> 01:13:28,359 the former mayor of uh of Fenton to 1507 01:13:25,679 --> 01:13:30,480 discuss how they ran their 1508 01:13:28,359 --> 01:13:34,039 workshops and 1509 01:13:30,479 --> 01:13:36,158 um she's currently a councilwoman on the 1510 01:13:34,039 --> 01:13:38,319 she was never a mayor she was mayor of 1511 01:13:36,158 --> 01:13:41,679 pro town but she's a councilman and she 1512 01:13:38,319 --> 01:13:44,319 was also a state representative okay 1513 01:13:41,679 --> 01:13:44,319 thank you you're 1514 01:13:47,079 --> 01:13:56,158 welcome I'm also considering discussing 1515 01:13:50,880 --> 01:14:00,600 with you uh when we redo our uh 1516 01:13:56,158 --> 01:14:02,238 meeting schedule uh hopefully by then we 1517 01:14:00,600 --> 01:14:05,199 we're scheduled out to what the end of 1518 01:14:02,238 --> 01:14:08,799 March yes is that correct the end of 1519 01:14:05,198 --> 01:14:12,039 March uh hopefully by April May we'll 1520 01:14:08,800 --> 01:14:15,039 we'll have some kind of a of a plan 1521 01:14:12,039 --> 01:14:19,119 where we have our our business meeting 1522 01:14:15,039 --> 01:14:22,479 and our Workshop meetings scheduled out 1523 01:14:19,119 --> 01:14:25,840 where the residents can they know which 1524 01:14:22,479 --> 01:14:27,839 ones to come to to be a part of or which 1525 01:14:25,840 --> 01:14:31,239 ones to be just 1526 01:14:27,840 --> 01:14:33,719 uh in in attendance to watch the 1527 01:14:31,238 --> 01:14:33,718 business 1528 01:14:34,760 --> 01:14:41,440 happen uh any other questions or 1529 01:14:38,319 --> 01:14:43,840 discussions in regards to that nope so 1530 01:14:41,439 --> 01:14:45,198 you want to wait till March before we 1531 01:14:43,840 --> 01:14:47,719 have a workshop is that what you're 1532 01:14:45,198 --> 01:14:47,719 saying 1533 01:14:48,039 --> 01:14:55,479 I I don't want to wait but I also want 1534 01:14:51,880 --> 01:14:59,159 to make you aware that if we schedule 1535 01:14:55,479 --> 01:15:01,718 meeting outside the scheduled ones it's 1536 01:14:59,158 --> 01:15:03,439 uh it's costing the taxpayers so yeah 1537 01:15:01,719 --> 01:15:05,920 it's called a special meeting right 1538 01:15:03,439 --> 01:15:08,719 that's right right and it'll it'll I 1539 01:15:05,920 --> 01:15:11,440 mean we can certainly talk about that if 1540 01:15:08,719 --> 01:15:14,039 we get far enough along where yep we 1541 01:15:11,439 --> 01:15:18,000 know what we're going to do at a 1542 01:15:14,039 --> 01:15:19,679 workshop we can discuss that in uh and 1543 01:15:18,000 --> 01:15:24,520 I'll schedule 1544 01:15:19,679 --> 01:15:29,760 one but be aware it's there a price I'd 1545 01:15:24,520 --> 01:15:32,320 like to request a a detailed list of the 1546 01:15:29,760 --> 01:15:34,679 costs so that I can understand what the 1547 01:15:32,319 --> 01:15:38,039 costs of having a special meeting our 1548 01:15:34,679 --> 01:15:40,399 but line item please so for just the 1549 01:15:38,039 --> 01:15:43,920 four trustees it costs 1550 01:15:40,399 --> 01:15:45,839 $83 in 8 cents for each meeting that you 1551 01:15:43,920 --> 01:15:47,960 attend so that's understand part of the 1552 01:15:45,840 --> 01:15:49,760 cost of course but that's part but I'd 1553 01:15:47,960 --> 01:15:53,119 like to know what the 1554 01:15:49,760 --> 01:15:55,679 costs collectively are for publishing 1555 01:15:53,119 --> 01:15:57,519 publication is what your asking right 1556 01:15:55,679 --> 01:15:59,679 right well you can provide that to me by 1557 01:15:57,520 --> 01:16:02,040 email break I need a breakdown in 1558 01:15:59,679 --> 01:16:02,039 writing 1559 01:16:04,198 --> 01:16:12,039 please okay so everybody's okay waiting 1560 01:16:07,880 --> 01:16:14,719 until minimum march to have any kind of 1561 01:16:12,039 --> 01:16:18,399 workshops that seem to be very important 1562 01:16:14,719 --> 01:16:20,840 to many of the people on this board can 1563 01:16:18,399 --> 01:16:23,119 we not like when they were just asking 1564 01:16:20,840 --> 01:16:26,119 when we were at MTA 1565 01:16:23,119 --> 01:16:28,319 today and maybe I missed 1566 01:16:26,119 --> 01:16:32,119 misunderstood the lady doing the 1567 01:16:28,319 --> 01:16:35,519 presentation said that within a board 1568 01:16:32,119 --> 01:16:39,238 meeting we can add to an agenda a work 1569 01:16:35,520 --> 01:16:40,800 session as an item and have that focused 1570 01:16:39,238 --> 01:16:44,759 on one big 1571 01:16:40,800 --> 01:16:46,480 topic the purpose being because a a work 1572 01:16:44,760 --> 01:16:48,639 session is where you would talk about a 1573 01:16:46,479 --> 01:16:52,559 larger topic like the budget or 1574 01:16:48,639 --> 01:16:56,039 strategic planning or something that 1575 01:16:52,560 --> 01:16:58,360 requires um no necessary board action in 1576 01:16:56,039 --> 01:17:00,439 that moment but perhaps the Board needs 1577 01:16:58,359 --> 01:17:02,279 the opportunity to have those deeper 1578 01:17:00,439 --> 01:17:04,559 discussions and then it would you 1579 01:17:02,279 --> 01:17:06,719 wouldn't vote on that topic in that work 1580 01:17:04,560 --> 01:17:10,120 session it would move then to another 1581 01:17:06,719 --> 01:17:13,319 agenda for a vote can we simply add the 1582 01:17:10,119 --> 01:17:16,000 idea of work sessions into our agenda 1583 01:17:13,319 --> 01:17:18,920 and our Forward Thinking planning for 1584 01:17:16,000 --> 01:17:20,840 those bigger topics is that possible I 1585 01:17:18,920 --> 01:17:23,800 mean do we need to adopt any new meeting 1586 01:17:20,840 --> 01:17:25,920 structure to do that or can we put it in 1587 01:17:23,800 --> 01:17:27,560 miscellaneous business 1588 01:17:25,920 --> 01:17:30,000 at the 1589 01:17:27,560 --> 01:17:33,080 end I don't know Chuck do you know the 1590 01:17:30,000 --> 01:17:34,880 answer to that you can do that just it 1591 01:17:33,079 --> 01:17:36,399 as an agenda item you can have it as an 1592 01:17:34,880 --> 01:17:39,239 agenda item and treat it the way you 1593 01:17:36,399 --> 01:17:41,359 want the problem that you may face is is 1594 01:17:39,238 --> 01:17:43,919 the length of the meeting depending on 1595 01:17:41,359 --> 01:17:45,920 what the topic is and you know that's 1596 01:17:43,920 --> 01:17:49,679 just a decision you have to 1597 01:17:45,920 --> 01:17:53,520 make and my experience is with three 1598 01:17:49,679 --> 01:17:56,199 townships this Township iasco Township 1599 01:17:53,520 --> 01:17:58,120 which nothing happens in outo Township 1600 01:17:56,198 --> 01:18:01,319 and Brighton Township where there is a 1601 01:17:58,119 --> 01:18:02,920 lot of stuff that happens and so when 1602 01:18:01,319 --> 01:18:04,519 you have a lot of stuff that happens and 1603 01:18:02,920 --> 01:18:06,000 you want to have workshops it's 1604 01:18:04,520 --> 01:18:08,719 impractical to have it at the same 1605 01:18:06,000 --> 01:18:11,158 meeting as the business meeting you can 1606 01:18:08,719 --> 01:18:14,039 try it to see what it's like or you can 1607 01:18:11,158 --> 01:18:17,759 just simply schedule to have a workshop 1608 01:18:14,039 --> 01:18:17,760 meeting separate from the business 1609 01:18:18,000 --> 01:18:22,760 meeting is that something that we want 1610 01:18:20,119 --> 01:18:25,439 to try let's say for the January meeting 1611 01:18:22,760 --> 01:18:28,239 like if we added that on 1612 01:18:25,439 --> 01:18:30,960 on that first meeting of the month and 1613 01:18:28,238 --> 01:18:33,000 then we had those conversations there's 1614 01:18:30,960 --> 01:18:36,279 there's already quite a few things 1615 01:18:33,000 --> 01:18:39,198 coming down the line for Jan January 7th 1616 01:18:36,279 --> 01:18:41,439 February or maybe move it to the second 1617 01:18:39,198 --> 01:18:43,559 January meeting but if we're going to be 1618 01:18:41,439 --> 01:18:46,638 having conversations deliberating 1619 01:18:43,560 --> 01:18:48,199 towards a decision yeah we'd be making 1620 01:18:46,639 --> 01:18:49,639 at the second meeting so we want to have 1621 01:18:48,198 --> 01:18:52,198 it at the 1622 01:18:49,639 --> 01:18:54,880 first wherever we start it would just 1623 01:18:52,198 --> 01:18:56,799 move to the next right I mean if we 1624 01:18:54,880 --> 01:18:59,880 start at the second meeting in 1625 01:18:56,800 --> 01:19:02,880 January then you know it would just move 1626 01:18:59,880 --> 01:19:04,760 to the next agenda for a vote if it was 1627 01:19:02,880 --> 01:19:07,679 ready if that's something that's needed 1628 01:19:04,760 --> 01:19:10,199 at that time I'm just thinking maybe 1629 01:19:07,679 --> 01:19:14,279 that that is a 1630 01:19:10,198 --> 01:19:18,839 um possible way to try out that format 1631 01:19:14,279 --> 01:19:20,399 it's new um and then you know if we find 1632 01:19:18,840 --> 01:19:23,000 that we need to add an additional 1633 01:19:20,399 --> 01:19:25,638 meeting we can look at those costs when 1634 01:19:23,000 --> 01:19:28,639 we're thinking about the calendar 1635 01:19:25,639 --> 01:19:33,679 it might be a a compromise for the time 1636 01:19:28,639 --> 01:19:35,520 being um I don't know another example is 1637 01:19:33,679 --> 01:19:37,920 um I believe a couple townships also 1638 01:19:35,520 --> 01:19:41,719 have a workshop before their regular 1639 01:19:37,920 --> 01:19:43,960 meeting like an hour prior so you have 1640 01:19:41,719 --> 01:19:47,480 an hour 1641 01:19:43,960 --> 01:19:49,600 to conduct a workshop and then our 1642 01:19:47,479 --> 01:19:52,359 original business meeting would start at 1643 01:19:49,600 --> 01:19:55,239 700 and that's good idea what township 1644 01:19:52,359 --> 01:19:57,039 I'd have to let you know okay can I cat 1645 01:19:55,238 --> 01:19:59,559 understand this we're we turn down 1646 01:19:57,039 --> 01:20:00,519 adding comments between agenda items 1647 01:19:59,560 --> 01:20:02,800 because it's going to make the meeting 1648 01:20:00,520 --> 01:20:05,760 too long but now we want to add a 1649 01:20:02,800 --> 01:20:08,600 workshop into our agenda that what I'm 1650 01:20:05,760 --> 01:20:10,760 understanding a workshop structure and 1651 01:20:08,600 --> 01:20:12,960 purpose is different than public 1652 01:20:10,760 --> 01:20:14,760 comments it's a single agenda item that 1653 01:20:12,960 --> 01:20:18,079 you're going have a workshop on yes but 1654 01:20:14,760 --> 01:20:19,920 the purpose of a workshop is for the 1655 01:20:18,079 --> 01:20:21,600 board to giving them the opportunity to 1656 01:20:19,920 --> 01:20:23,520 speak in between each agenda it it's 1657 01:20:21,600 --> 01:20:25,159 going to going to cost us too much time 1658 01:20:23,520 --> 01:20:27,560 but we're going to do that instead the 1659 01:20:25,158 --> 01:20:29,399 difference Dean is we can respond to the 1660 01:20:27,560 --> 01:20:31,920 audience here in a board meeting we 1661 01:20:29,399 --> 01:20:33,839 can't if somebody asked me a specific 1662 01:20:31,920 --> 01:20:37,480 question I could answer 1663 01:20:33,840 --> 01:20:39,159 that the question is the question is you 1664 01:20:37,479 --> 01:20:41,718 said we weren't going to put agenda 1665 01:20:39,158 --> 01:20:43,319 items or response on agenda items in 1666 01:20:41,719 --> 01:20:45,960 between because it's going to extend the 1667 01:20:43,319 --> 01:20:50,840 meeting too much but yet you're going to 1668 01:20:45,960 --> 01:20:52,119 add a workshop in the agenda okay on and 1669 01:20:50,840 --> 01:20:53,760 that's not going to make it and the 1670 01:20:52,119 --> 01:20:56,119 reason is can I tell you what the reason 1671 01:20:53,760 --> 01:20:59,159 is I'm talking about l meting okay but 1672 01:20:56,119 --> 01:21:01,760 we can't okay they can do that if you 1673 01:20:59,158 --> 01:21:04,719 want them to respond on every single 1674 01:21:01,760 --> 01:21:06,320 item what is the purpose of that you're 1675 01:21:04,719 --> 01:21:08,319 missing my point you turned it down 1676 01:21:06,319 --> 01:21:11,039 because it was going to make the meeting 1677 01:21:08,319 --> 01:21:12,759 too long okay now you're going to add a 1678 01:21:11,039 --> 01:21:13,960 workshop which is going to make the 1679 01:21:12,760 --> 01:21:16,639 meeting too 1680 01:21:13,960 --> 01:21:19,158 long it's not just the meeting too long 1681 01:21:16,639 --> 01:21:21,279 Dean it's not recommended and then the 1682 01:21:19,158 --> 01:21:22,198 other townships I understand they don't 1683 01:21:21,279 --> 01:21:24,759 do 1684 01:21:22,198 --> 01:21:26,559 that well we do have to just keep it in 1685 01:21:24,760 --> 01:21:29,239 mind that just because other people do 1686 01:21:26,560 --> 01:21:31,080 it that way it doesn't make it that we 1687 01:21:29,238 --> 01:21:34,799 have to do something we're trying to 1688 01:21:31,079 --> 01:21:37,600 explore new things so that we have 1689 01:21:34,800 --> 01:21:39,360 additional things that are changed well 1690 01:21:37,600 --> 01:21:41,360 I think some of the things that we've 1691 01:21:39,359 --> 01:21:44,079 explored are not 1692 01:21:41,359 --> 01:21:45,439 working y well the other thing Chris is 1693 01:21:44,079 --> 01:21:48,198 we can wait till the end of March to 1694 01:21:45,439 --> 01:21:50,119 have one it's either we have one before 1695 01:21:48,198 --> 01:21:53,479 if that's what they want to do or we can 1696 01:21:50,119 --> 01:21:55,198 wait till May to do it sure so that's 1697 01:21:53,479 --> 01:21:56,198 the choice 1698 01:21:55,198 --> 01:21:58,359 and that's what we're having a 1699 01:21:56,198 --> 01:22:00,719 discussion yep if we don't want to have 1700 01:21:58,359 --> 01:22:02,679 a lengthy meeting then we can wait till 1701 01:22:00,719 --> 01:22:04,399 April or May to have the first Workshop 1702 01:22:02,679 --> 01:22:07,480 stand 1703 01:22:04,399 --> 01:22:10,198 alone I also think we need to consider 1704 01:22:07,479 --> 01:22:12,238 not only cost but the time if we're 1705 01:22:10,198 --> 01:22:14,799 adding meetings to our calendar outside 1706 01:22:12,238 --> 01:22:18,718 of our two regularly scheduled board 1707 01:22:14,800 --> 01:22:21,000 meetings that's also asking more of our 1708 01:22:18,719 --> 01:22:24,600 Clerk and our 1709 01:22:21,000 --> 01:22:27,520 Deputy um in terms of just minutes and 1710 01:22:24,600 --> 01:22:29,159 time and being here so I'm not I'm not 1711 01:22:27,520 --> 01:22:32,480 saying it's not 1712 01:22:29,158 --> 01:22:36,359 possible um or even that I have an 1713 01:22:32,479 --> 01:22:39,479 opinion on that yet all I'm saying is um 1714 01:22:36,359 --> 01:22:42,119 there are a lot of pieces to consider 1715 01:22:39,479 --> 01:22:43,718 sure and we could also drop a box in the 1716 01:22:42,119 --> 01:22:44,840 back and let the residents decide what 1717 01:22:43,719 --> 01:22:48,880 they 1718 01:22:44,840 --> 01:22:48,880 want because we do work for 1719 01:22:49,039 --> 01:22:56,039 them can I make a quick comment 1720 01:22:51,840 --> 01:22:58,400 on not right now no 1721 01:22:56,039 --> 01:22:58,399 write it 1722 01:23:00,319 --> 01:23:03,479 down all 1723 01:23:03,560 --> 01:23:09,480 right so moving on to we could we could 1724 01:23:06,679 --> 01:23:13,079 have more discussion at our next 1725 01:23:09,479 --> 01:23:15,879 board this information on cost sure 1726 01:23:13,079 --> 01:23:16,960 thank you yeah yeah the cost uh maybe 1727 01:23:15,880 --> 01:23:20,560 we'll have 1728 01:23:16,960 --> 01:23:23,439 Pat Uh Lockwood here uh I mean this is 1729 01:23:20,560 --> 01:23:26,760 not a this is not going away we're going 1730 01:23:23,439 --> 01:23:30,119 to and I'm still not saying we can't 1731 01:23:26,760 --> 01:23:33,280 talk between each one but this meeting 1732 01:23:30,119 --> 01:23:37,599 is not really set up for 1733 01:23:33,279 --> 01:23:41,960 that all right number seven uh the uh 1734 01:23:37,600 --> 01:23:44,000 moratorium on the uh medical marijuana 1735 01:23:41,960 --> 01:23:47,639 it's for an extension we're looking for 1736 01:23:44,000 --> 01:23:47,639 an extension it expires 1737 01:23:47,719 --> 01:23:54,239 tomorrow so this would extend it out six 1738 01:23:50,639 --> 01:23:57,000 months to June six month extension on 1739 01:23:54,238 --> 01:23:59,638 the medical uh 1740 01:23:57,000 --> 01:24:01,800 marijuana moratorium I'm looking for an 1741 01:23:59,639 --> 01:24:03,239 ex a motion to extend that before we do 1742 01:24:01,800 --> 01:24:06,840 that I want to ask Chuck what he thinks 1743 01:24:03,238 --> 01:24:10,399 of it if the township is actively 1744 01:24:06,840 --> 01:24:13,560 reviewing the matter then you can do 1745 01:24:10,399 --> 01:24:13,559 that I 1746 01:24:14,198 --> 01:24:21,158 can I can tell you that the Planning 1747 01:24:18,679 --> 01:24:24,760 Commission the Planning 1748 01:24:21,158 --> 01:24:26,479 Commission is actively pursuing that and 1749 01:24:24,760 --> 01:24:28,239 that 1750 01:24:26,479 --> 01:24:31,839 um we 1751 01:24:28,238 --> 01:24:33,079 will they're working on it Chuck let me 1752 01:24:31,840 --> 01:24:36,079 say this about 1753 01:24:33,079 --> 01:24:36,079 moratoriums 1754 01:24:37,000 --> 01:24:44,238 um if there are people that don't want 1755 01:24:40,118 --> 01:24:46,759 to challenge the moratorium then it's 1756 01:24:44,238 --> 01:24:49,678 okay if there are people that want to 1757 01:24:46,760 --> 01:24:51,679 challenge it they can do so in court if 1758 01:24:49,679 --> 01:24:53,639 the township is actively working at it 1759 01:24:51,679 --> 01:24:55,039 and especially if it's a Cutting Edge 1760 01:24:53,639 --> 01:24:56,840 issue in law 1761 01:24:55,039 --> 01:25:01,399 then the moratorium is probably going to 1762 01:24:56,840 --> 01:25:04,279 be found valid it's when a court thinks 1763 01:25:01,399 --> 01:25:07,799 that a moratorium is being 1764 01:25:04,279 --> 01:25:10,599 imposed as a way to keep a use out of 1765 01:25:07,800 --> 01:25:12,880 the township so if the township is 1766 01:25:10,600 --> 01:25:14,960 actively seeking to formulate what it 1767 01:25:12,880 --> 01:25:17,239 believes is the best policy for the 1768 01:25:14,960 --> 01:25:19,319 township then by all means you can 1769 01:25:17,238 --> 01:25:21,519 consider enacting the 1770 01:25:19,319 --> 01:25:24,000 moratorium but we should be actively 1771 01:25:21,520 --> 01:25:26,320 looking at the issue can John answer on 1772 01:25:24,000 --> 01:25:26,319 that 1773 01:25:26,840 --> 01:25:30,560 can you can you give us an update on it 1774 01:25:28,158 --> 01:25:35,238 John yeah tomorrow it's on the agenda 1775 01:25:30,560 --> 01:25:37,440 and uh Ross has uh Laura I I I wasn't I 1776 01:25:35,238 --> 01:25:39,359 wasn't sure how much I could discuss I 1777 01:25:37,439 --> 01:25:44,919 didn't want yeah we have the attorney 1778 01:25:39,359 --> 01:25:48,519 lined up doom and the new um still here 1779 01:25:44,920 --> 01:25:53,840 and the new uh planning consultant also 1780 01:25:48,520 --> 01:25:56,480 has experience in mmma right um so going 1781 01:25:53,840 --> 01:25:58,639 to be working it starting tomorrow yeah 1782 01:25:56,479 --> 01:26:01,198 does that qualify you it sounds like 1783 01:25:58,639 --> 01:26:03,960 you're working on it yeah Laura actually 1784 01:26:01,198 --> 01:26:07,238 I I didn't realize it but Laura has uh 1785 01:26:03,960 --> 01:26:10,840 some pretty extensive experience in the 1786 01:26:07,238 --> 01:26:13,839 uh medical marijuana area as well as the 1787 01:26:10,840 --> 01:26:13,840 green energy 1788 01:26:13,920 --> 01:26:18,239 so so that's a good thing I'll make a 1789 01:26:16,639 --> 01:26:21,880 motion to 1790 01:26:18,238 --> 01:26:25,279 extend I have a motion to extend support 1791 01:26:21,880 --> 01:26:26,319 that should be a resolution resolution 1792 01:26:25,279 --> 01:26:30,920 okay 1793 01:26:26,319 --> 01:26:30,920 sorry resolution to extend 1794 01:26:31,158 --> 01:26:37,319 second um second all right all favor we 1795 01:26:35,158 --> 01:26:40,238 have to do a 1796 01:26:37,319 --> 01:26:43,920 roll 1797 01:26:40,238 --> 01:26:50,479 resolution Sarah dolman Jersey 1798 01:26:43,920 --> 01:26:55,039 yes Herman Ferguson yes Greg Kar yes 1799 01:26:50,479 --> 01:27:00,919 Jennifer Eden yes Dean hos yes 1800 01:26:55,039 --> 01:27:00,920 Chris Retta yes Pam monther 1801 01:27:13,719 --> 01:27:21,560 yes all right moving on to number 1802 01:27:16,719 --> 01:27:26,000 eight the uh extraction 1803 01:27:21,560 --> 01:27:26,840 moratorium I think that one this 1804 01:27:26,000 --> 01:27:31,238 we got 1805 01:27:26,840 --> 01:27:34,840 a it expired yeah it expired okay so I 1806 01:27:31,238 --> 01:27:37,118 I'm looking at reinstating the uh 1807 01:27:34,840 --> 01:27:40,840 extraction moratorium looking for a 1808 01:27:37,118 --> 01:27:43,198 resolution to do that another 6 1809 01:27:40,840 --> 01:27:46,520 months I think I believe it would be a 1810 01:27:43,198 --> 01:27:48,960 new for six months y new for six months 1811 01:27:46,520 --> 01:27:51,840 where are we at with that right 1812 01:27:48,960 --> 01:27:55,359 currently 1813 01:27:51,840 --> 01:27:58,880 um the the 1814 01:27:55,359 --> 01:28:00,960 um Planning Commission is is working on 1815 01:27:58,880 --> 01:28:03,199 that you want to you want to comment on 1816 01:28:00,960 --> 01:28:06,560 that we've discussed it at a number of 1817 01:28:03,198 --> 01:28:08,479 meetings we're down to the last edits um 1818 01:28:06,560 --> 01:28:10,239 Ross we the Planning Commission at the 1819 01:28:08,479 --> 01:28:12,158 last meeting gave Ross direction to 1820 01:28:10,238 --> 01:28:14,678 schedule the public hearing hold the 1821 01:28:12,158 --> 01:28:15,679 public hearing and most likely U take 1822 01:28:14,679 --> 01:28:19,960 action on 1823 01:28:15,679 --> 01:28:22,079 it after that so getting close so it's 1824 01:28:19,960 --> 01:28:23,800 been discussed it's been discussed at 1825 01:28:22,079 --> 01:28:25,079 every meeting um since we started 1826 01:28:23,800 --> 01:28:27,199 working on 1827 01:28:25,079 --> 01:28:29,399 so again it it's a moratorium that we 1828 01:28:27,198 --> 01:28:29,399 can 1829 01:28:29,439 --> 01:28:34,919 show that you're working we are actively 1830 01:28:32,600 --> 01:28:40,079 working 1831 01:28:34,920 --> 01:28:43,079 correct so I have a res resolution 1832 01:28:40,079 --> 01:28:43,079 resolve 1833 01:28:45,960 --> 01:28:54,560 second roll call Jennifer Eden yes Chris 1834 01:28:51,238 --> 01:28:59,319 Reta yes FM Ferguson 1835 01:28:54,560 --> 01:29:03,920 yes Sarah dolman Jersey yes Dean hos yes 1836 01:28:59,319 --> 01:29:03,920 Greg KS yes ham moer 1837 01:29:06,359 --> 01:29:14,279 yes all right uh item number nine uh 1838 01:29:10,238 --> 01:29:18,479 acceptance of the resignation of uh John 1839 01:29:14,279 --> 01:29:22,920 whis um John uh served on the board of 1840 01:29:18,479 --> 01:29:25,319 review for over 35 years I don't know if 1841 01:29:22,920 --> 01:29:30,239 he's here or not but thank you 1842 01:29:25,319 --> 01:29:30,238 John for your uh for your public 1843 01:29:31,319 --> 01:29:38,920 service so do I have a motion to accept 1844 01:29:34,840 --> 01:29:41,520 his resignation I make a 1845 01:29:38,920 --> 01:29:47,239 motion I'll 1846 01:29:41,520 --> 01:29:47,239 second all in favor I I 1847 01:29:47,800 --> 01:29:58,079 oppose all right item number 10 uh I 1848 01:29:53,158 --> 01:30:02,719 recommend uh uh Nicole uh blackenstein 1849 01:29:58,079 --> 01:30:05,198 to uh Phill John's 1850 01:30:02,719 --> 01:30:07,279 vacancy um I think they're going to have 1851 01:30:05,198 --> 01:30:11,879 some questions for you 1852 01:30:07,279 --> 01:30:11,880 Nicole I hate to put you on the spot 1853 01:30:12,439 --> 01:30:16,638 but I kind of got put on the 1854 01:30:17,679 --> 01:30:22,600 spot can you tell this new board a 1855 01:30:20,760 --> 01:30:26,079 little bit of your back experience with 1856 01:30:22,600 --> 01:30:29,239 the township yeah I have worked in the 1857 01:30:26,079 --> 01:30:30,359 zoning department several a couple 1858 01:30:29,238 --> 01:30:34,000 different 1859 01:30:30,359 --> 01:30:36,439 capacities um every time they need me to 1860 01:30:34,000 --> 01:30:37,960 come in for a project or anything I'm 1861 01:30:36,439 --> 01:30:42,559 always willing to do 1862 01:30:37,960 --> 01:30:43,760 whatever is necessary um I also work for 1863 01:30:42,560 --> 01:30:48,400 the 1864 01:30:43,760 --> 01:30:51,920 clerk um as a chairperson in 1865 01:30:48,399 --> 01:30:54,399 elections again whatever capacity the 1866 01:30:51,920 --> 01:30:55,760 township needs me to work in and I 1867 01:30:54,399 --> 01:30:58,439 understand those position is available 1868 01:30:55,760 --> 01:31:00,880 and I'd be more than happy to fill 1869 01:30:58,439 --> 01:31:03,439 it I'm not guaranteeing I'll be here for 1870 01:31:00,880 --> 01:31:03,440 35 1871 01:31:03,479 --> 01:31:08,399 years but um 34 come 1872 01:31:08,439 --> 01:31:13,000 on SO call you already have a working 1873 01:31:10,960 --> 01:31:18,520 relationship with some of the members 1874 01:31:13,000 --> 01:31:18,520 here in the township yep okay most of 1875 01:31:18,920 --> 01:31:26,960 them in in uh What uh particular 1876 01:31:24,158 --> 01:31:29,559 experience in the border of re uh in the 1877 01:31:26,960 --> 01:31:33,079 on the bard of review would 1878 01:31:29,560 --> 01:31:37,520 you I I know you you you've worked with 1879 01:31:33,079 --> 01:31:39,198 uh Alexa have you or I'm trying to see 1880 01:31:37,520 --> 01:31:42,280 where 1881 01:31:39,198 --> 01:31:44,279 the not following that I I don't know 1882 01:31:42,279 --> 01:31:47,079 where you're what connection you're 1883 01:31:44,279 --> 01:31:49,559 trying to draw on the border review I 1884 01:31:47,079 --> 01:31:51,600 know nothing about the board of review 1885 01:31:49,560 --> 01:31:53,440 okay um that's where I I'm going to take 1886 01:31:51,600 --> 01:31:55,760 a class just like you guys are taking 1887 01:31:53,439 --> 01:31:57,319 classes how to conduct a meeting okay 1888 01:31:55,760 --> 01:31:59,880 that's where I was going I'm going to 1889 01:31:57,319 --> 01:32:02,639 learn how to do whatever it is board of 1890 01:31:59,880 --> 01:32:05,679 review does okay the time constraint is 1891 01:32:02,639 --> 01:32:09,000 is not too much for me I'm I'm signed up 1892 01:32:05,679 --> 01:32:11,920 for Border review too are you yeah good 1893 01:32:09,000 --> 01:32:14,880 it's my statutory Duty I got to figure 1894 01:32:11,920 --> 01:32:14,880 it out there you 1895 01:32:15,000 --> 01:32:22,359 go 1896 01:32:17,840 --> 01:32:22,360 yeah any other questions 1897 01:32:25,279 --> 01:32:30,039 no I that was what I was looking for 1898 01:32:27,439 --> 01:32:32,158 just to get an orientation to what what 1899 01:32:30,039 --> 01:32:33,679 your background was and your involvement 1900 01:32:32,158 --> 01:32:35,879 with the township up to this point I 1901 01:32:33,679 --> 01:32:39,960 think I'm just I'm happy to that's 1902 01:32:35,880 --> 01:32:42,199 helpful help wherever I think um and I'm 1903 01:32:39,960 --> 01:32:45,760 interested in learning what the process 1904 01:32:42,198 --> 01:32:47,799 is all about know all right and being 1905 01:32:45,760 --> 01:32:49,880 able to explain it to other people 1906 01:32:47,800 --> 01:32:51,119 because to me it's just kind of a 1907 01:32:49,880 --> 01:32:54,400 mystery right 1908 01:32:51,118 --> 01:32:56,198 now all right thank you Nikki great at 1909 01:32:54,399 --> 01:32:58,519 that um she really stepped up to the 1910 01:32:56,198 --> 01:33:01,198 plate and helped out our Township with 1911 01:32:58,520 --> 01:33:03,480 the N9 days of early voting um committed 1912 01:33:01,198 --> 01:33:06,118 to doing that and the additional 1913 01:33:03,479 --> 01:33:08,359 training uh so she's very knowledgeable 1914 01:33:06,118 --> 01:33:10,679 about that and um you know very 1915 01:33:08,359 --> 01:33:16,158 supportive with the team works well with 1916 01:33:10,679 --> 01:33:19,158 the team so and reliable thanks P thank 1917 01:33:16,158 --> 01:33:22,479 you along with your MTA training Alexa 1918 01:33:19,158 --> 01:33:25,118 will be a great mentor for you yeah oh 1919 01:33:22,479 --> 01:33:27,678 she's already got I I make a motion if 1920 01:33:25,118 --> 01:33:30,519 there's no other questions that we 1921 01:33:27,679 --> 01:33:35,399 accept you I'll 1922 01:33:30,520 --> 01:33:39,159 second all right all in favor I I I 1923 01:33:35,399 --> 01:33:41,960 oppose thank all right welcome aboard Oh 1924 01:33:39,158 --> 01:33:45,118 thanks thank 1925 01:33:41,960 --> 01:33:49,920 you all right then I uh also got another 1926 01:33:45,118 --> 01:33:53,279 application from uh from Perry green uh 1927 01:33:49,920 --> 01:33:55,719 as a as a alternate for the uh border 1928 01:33:53,279 --> 01:33:55,719 review 1929 01:33:56,719 --> 01:34:03,399 um he's uh I don't know if he's here is 1930 01:33:59,760 --> 01:34:06,520 Perry here no he's not he's not um Perry 1931 01:34:03,399 --> 01:34:08,519 is uh has uh real estate he's in real 1932 01:34:06,520 --> 01:34:11,880 estate 1933 01:34:08,520 --> 01:34:15,440 um and uh again I I think he's in the 1934 01:34:11,880 --> 01:34:18,760 same position as Nicole as far as uh 1935 01:34:15,439 --> 01:34:23,919 needing the training but uh again he's 1936 01:34:18,760 --> 01:34:23,920 he's familiar with the real estate and 1937 01:34:25,399 --> 01:34:30,719 so I I recommend we we have a 1938 01:34:28,639 --> 01:34:34,600 alternate uh that's 1939 01:34:30,719 --> 01:34:34,600 trained so that we don't get 1940 01:34:34,800 --> 01:34:38,400 caught like we just 1941 01:34:38,840 --> 01:34:44,639 did Greg if there are't any questions I 1942 01:34:41,399 --> 01:34:48,599 make a motion for your recommendation 1943 01:34:44,639 --> 01:34:53,000 support all right thank you all in favor 1944 01:34:48,600 --> 01:34:53,000 I I oppose 1945 01:34:53,800 --> 01:34:57,119 all right 1946 01:34:57,158 --> 01:35:02,719 um is there any miscellaneous business 1947 01:35:00,840 --> 01:35:07,520 that we need to discuss there's nothing 1948 01:35:02,719 --> 01:35:09,000 on the agenda but um I do just want to 1949 01:35:07,520 --> 01:35:11,760 say on the 1950 01:35:09,000 --> 01:35:14,319 record that I think we need to respond 1951 01:35:11,760 --> 01:35:17,280 to the concerns raised by the Planning 1952 01:35:14,319 --> 01:35:18,559 Commission as an agenda item so that we 1953 01:35:17,279 --> 01:35:21,319 can 1954 01:35:18,560 --> 01:35:24,320 discuss 1955 01:35:21,319 --> 01:35:26,599 um you know we every one of us up here 1956 01:35:24,319 --> 01:35:28,319 has a fiduciary responsibility to 1957 01:35:26,600 --> 01:35:30,600 protect the 1958 01:35:28,319 --> 01:35:32,399 township and I'm deeply concerned at 1959 01:35:30,600 --> 01:35:34,360 what was shared tonight and I think we 1960 01:35:32,399 --> 01:35:36,960 need to add it as an agenda item since 1961 01:35:34,359 --> 01:35:38,839 it is not an agenda item tonight to the 1962 01:35:36,960 --> 01:35:41,520 next board meeting and make sure that we 1963 01:35:38,840 --> 01:35:44,319 appropriately respond to what was shared 1964 01:35:41,520 --> 01:35:44,320 and the concerns 1965 01:35:45,760 --> 01:35:50,719 expressed I'm in agreement with that we 1966 01:35:49,000 --> 01:35:54,560 should have a conversation at the board 1967 01:35:50,719 --> 01:35:56,760 table at our next board meeting 1968 01:35:54,560 --> 01:35:56,760 I 1969 01:35:58,719 --> 01:36:02,198 agree so do 1970 01:36:02,960 --> 01:36:05,960 I 1971 01:36:06,639 --> 01:36:10,679 MH 1972 01:36:08,600 --> 01:36:12,719 so you're going to put that on the 1973 01:36:10,679 --> 01:36:19,039 agenda for next 1974 01:36:12,719 --> 01:36:19,039 okay thank you it's fine there's 1975 01:36:24,560 --> 01:36:28,199 all right any other miscellaneous 1976 01:36:30,439 --> 01:36:36,960 business all right um public yeah yes 1977 01:36:49,039 --> 01:36:55,519 Scott chair Scott detri White Lake Road 1978 01:36:53,158 --> 01:36:57,559 um Zack Tucker was a good choice 1979 01:36:55,520 --> 01:37:00,800 although in the future I want to get 1980 01:36:57,560 --> 01:37:03,000 back to the board selecting the 1981 01:37:00,800 --> 01:37:06,119 applicants where the public can have the 1982 01:37:03,000 --> 01:37:09,118 applicants all come up and state 1983 01:37:06,118 --> 01:37:11,839 their reputations on the line then you 1984 01:37:09,118 --> 01:37:13,359 guys can vote on uh I'd like to have 1985 01:37:11,840 --> 01:37:14,760 something put on the agenda next meeting 1986 01:37:13,359 --> 01:37:17,039 I want the deputy 1987 01:37:14,760 --> 01:37:18,480 supervisor I think you guys budgeted for 1988 01:37:17,039 --> 01:37:19,960 that in the last budget I'm not sure if 1989 01:37:18,479 --> 01:37:23,519 you did but I want I'd like to have that 1990 01:37:19,960 --> 01:37:25,158 taken off because I think I elected a 1991 01:37:23,520 --> 01:37:27,880 full-time 1992 01:37:25,158 --> 01:37:30,399 supervisor um the public 1993 01:37:27,880 --> 01:37:33,840 remarks that you were talking about 1994 01:37:30,399 --> 01:37:36,118 Chris and I and Janette fought for and 1995 01:37:33,840 --> 01:37:37,760 Greg you said you were going to respond 1996 01:37:36,118 --> 01:37:41,559 to it we can't keep loading these 1997 01:37:37,760 --> 01:37:43,960 agendas up with two hours wor of agendas 1998 01:37:41,560 --> 01:37:45,599 to respond to even the call to the 1999 01:37:43,960 --> 01:37:46,760 public you want me to rush but I'm 2000 01:37:45,599 --> 01:37:50,719 responding to 2001 01:37:46,760 --> 01:37:53,199 11 11 if I want to respond to 2002 01:37:50,719 --> 01:37:54,599 them we have to police our Township 2003 01:37:53,198 --> 01:37:55,839 because 2004 01:37:54,599 --> 01:37:57,279 some of the Planning Commission members 2005 01:37:55,840 --> 01:37:59,880 don't even go out with I mean i' we've 2006 01:37:57,279 --> 01:38:03,479 caught them doing that and 2007 01:37:59,880 --> 01:38:05,239 um the applicant will come in here sure 2008 01:38:03,479 --> 01:38:07,559 we we got everything on the agenda we 2009 01:38:05,238 --> 01:38:10,359 have the packet but they start talking 2010 01:38:07,560 --> 01:38:13,039 and things come out and then we know 2011 01:38:10,359 --> 01:38:14,359 things that even though we can't get it 2012 01:38:13,039 --> 01:38:15,840 out in the public remarks in the 2013 01:38:14,359 --> 01:38:18,279 beginning they'll say it during the 2014 01:38:15,840 --> 01:38:20,159 meeting and then oh wow that's a gotta 2015 01:38:18,279 --> 01:38:21,559 moment it's not that I'm picking on them 2016 01:38:20,158 --> 01:38:23,879 it's just that we see it sometimes the 2017 01:38:21,560 --> 01:38:25,800 Planning Commission doesn't see it so 2018 01:38:23,880 --> 01:38:28,639 yes we do need to respond we don't need 2019 01:38:25,800 --> 01:38:29,880 11 items on the agenda four or five some 2020 01:38:28,639 --> 01:38:31,079 of us might just come up there's not 2021 01:38:29,880 --> 01:38:32,840 that many people in most of these 2022 01:38:31,079 --> 01:38:35,238 meetings we might get up and there's 2023 01:38:32,840 --> 01:38:36,360 many times basically this will work more 2024 01:38:35,238 --> 01:38:37,959 on the Planning Commission than the 2025 01:38:36,359 --> 01:38:40,000 board because this stuff will all be 2026 01:38:37,960 --> 01:38:42,079 worked out when the applicant comes in 2027 01:38:40,000 --> 01:38:43,319 to the Planning Commission so by the 2028 01:38:42,079 --> 01:38:47,359 time it gets to you guys it should be 2029 01:38:43,319 --> 01:38:48,679 pretty well ironed out anyway okay Chuck 2030 01:38:47,359 --> 01:38:50,759 I want to know one 2031 01:38:48,679 --> 01:38:53,118 thing you've done a really good job for 2032 01:38:50,760 --> 01:38:54,239 our Township and I hope you represent 2033 01:38:53,118 --> 01:38:56,639 the people 2034 01:38:54,238 --> 01:38:59,519 people and 2035 01:38:56,639 --> 01:39:01,520 um you know how can we hold our people 2036 01:38:59,520 --> 01:39:03,199 that work in the office here accountable 2037 01:39:01,520 --> 01:39:05,800 if people up here aren't 2038 01:39:03,198 --> 01:39:07,118 accountable I mean I I I try to hold 2039 01:39:05,800 --> 01:39:09,840 people you know if you seen me up 2040 01:39:07,118 --> 01:39:11,920 meetings I mean I'm very diligent on 2041 01:39:09,840 --> 01:39:14,719 coming to meetings 2042 01:39:11,920 --> 01:39:16,440 and I can't sit there and say people in 2043 01:39:14,719 --> 01:39:19,198 the office are doing things that I don't 2044 01:39:16,439 --> 01:39:21,399 believe they should be doing when we got 2045 01:39:19,198 --> 01:39:22,359 board members doing it did these guys 2046 01:39:21,399 --> 01:39:24,439 break the 2047 01:39:22,359 --> 01:39:25,598 law that's what I think the Planning 2048 01:39:24,439 --> 01:39:27,759 Commission was trying to get out of who 2049 01:39:25,599 --> 01:39:29,360 voted for this was there laws I mean 2050 01:39:27,760 --> 01:39:32,280 it's doesn't right it doesn't smell 2051 01:39:29,359 --> 01:39:34,479 right I mean there's seven people up 2052 01:39:32,279 --> 01:39:37,118 here you're supposed to be disgusted and 2053 01:39:34,479 --> 01:39:39,039 not three guys in the back room and it 2054 01:39:37,118 --> 01:39:42,679 just disappoints 2055 01:39:39,039 --> 01:39:44,118 me it highly disappoints me I mean 2056 01:39:42,679 --> 01:39:45,440 that's not what I expected that's not 2057 01:39:44,118 --> 01:39:48,479 what I was 2058 01:39:45,439 --> 01:39:49,678 promised I mean come on guys I mean I 2059 01:39:48,479 --> 01:39:51,598 want to respect all of you you know I've 2060 01:39:49,679 --> 01:39:53,158 work I'll work with any one of you I 2061 01:39:51,599 --> 01:39:54,719 don't want to chew your butts up but if 2062 01:39:53,158 --> 01:39:57,679 I get wrong if you chew me out if I got 2063 01:39:54,719 --> 01:40:00,279 to comeing I got to come okay I've been 2064 01:39:57,679 --> 01:40:01,599 down that road I've been in trouble but 2065 01:40:00,279 --> 01:40:02,920 I mean we're a community we're trying to 2066 01:40:01,599 --> 01:40:06,119 build something here we're trying to 2067 01:40:02,920 --> 01:40:07,560 make it better so like I said I don't 2068 01:40:06,118 --> 01:40:10,118 know what's going to happen but what if 2069 01:40:07,560 --> 01:40:12,280 we get sued what if do these guys have a 2070 01:40:10,118 --> 01:40:14,279 lawsuit the townships I mean the people 2071 01:40:12,279 --> 01:40:16,719 in townships got to pay for 2072 01:40:14,279 --> 01:40:18,000 it we're not responsible we weren't the 2073 01:40:16,719 --> 01:40:20,039 ones that went in the back room and did 2074 01:40:18,000 --> 01:40:23,439 this it wasn't done properly do you 2075 01:40:20,039 --> 01:40:24,599 understand how we feel but anyways um 2076 01:40:23,439 --> 01:40:26,238 like I said I don't know what's going to 2077 01:40:24,599 --> 01:40:29,000 happen but it's things got to change we 2078 01:40:26,238 --> 01:40:31,718 are promised change more 2079 01:40:29,000 --> 01:40:34,238 transparency and and have workshops is 2080 01:40:31,719 --> 01:40:36,158 fine but you do have we we don't need to 2081 01:40:34,238 --> 01:40:37,039 have this many agenda items and hey 2082 01:40:36,158 --> 01:40:38,399 Planning Commission at least the 2083 01:40:37,039 --> 01:40:40,479 Planning Commission I know these guys 2084 01:40:38,399 --> 01:40:42,359 John works really good with the people 2085 01:40:40,479 --> 01:40:45,839 and John has reached out let people 2086 01:40:42,359 --> 01:40:47,679 speak in between on important issues so 2087 01:40:45,840 --> 01:40:49,840 I think you know we can we don't need a 2088 01:40:47,679 --> 01:40:54,560 lot of it but there's some things we do 2089 01:40:49,840 --> 01:40:54,560 come up with that do help you guys 2090 01:41:09,760 --> 01:41:14,159 hi I don't know I know some of you but 2091 01:41:11,960 --> 01:41:16,599 but not most of you my name is Donna 2092 01:41:14,158 --> 01:41:19,319 Fela and I live on Lakeshore Drive in 2093 01:41:16,599 --> 01:41:22,119 Tyrone Township I know a few of you most 2094 01:41:19,319 --> 01:41:24,399 of you I do not however I read all of 2095 01:41:22,118 --> 01:41:26,319 your campaign information very carefully 2096 01:41:24,399 --> 01:41:28,598 because I was so excited for this 2097 01:41:26,319 --> 01:41:31,319 election I never been involved in any of 2098 01:41:28,599 --> 01:41:33,159 these meetings until the asphalt plant I 2099 01:41:31,319 --> 01:41:36,000 was appalled at the way the meetings 2100 01:41:33,158 --> 01:41:38,399 were run the level of disrespect for the 2101 01:41:36,000 --> 01:41:40,439 board and the residents the way the 2102 01:41:38,399 --> 01:41:43,719 bickering went it was out it was 2103 01:41:40,439 --> 01:41:45,319 outrageous so I was so excited for you 2104 01:41:43,719 --> 01:41:47,319 guys 2105 01:41:45,319 --> 01:41:49,960 transparency 2106 01:41:47,319 --> 01:41:51,920 honesty here we are you know Greg I 2107 01:41:49,960 --> 01:41:53,439 don't know you you seem like a great guy 2108 01:41:51,920 --> 01:41:56,399 you were supposed to be a full-time 2109 01:41:53,439 --> 01:41:58,359 supervisor we had a part-time supervisor 2110 01:41:56,399 --> 01:42:00,118 nobody wanted that so are you going to 2111 01:41:58,359 --> 01:42:02,479 be part-time are we going to cut your 2112 01:42:00,118 --> 01:42:05,519 salary are we going to revote for a new 2113 01:42:02,479 --> 01:42:07,799 full-time guy what are we doing here you 2114 01:42:05,520 --> 01:42:09,560 guys have opened us up to a huge lawsuit 2115 01:42:07,800 --> 01:42:12,239 and there are people Consulting 2116 01:42:09,560 --> 01:42:16,719 attorneys now our Township could be 2117 01:42:12,238 --> 01:42:18,959 bankrupt what you did was illegal it's 2118 01:42:16,719 --> 01:42:21,279 serious I don't want to see that for our 2119 01:42:18,960 --> 01:42:24,158 Township I don't think any of you do but 2120 01:42:21,279 --> 01:42:27,319 the transparency you can't just say it 2121 01:42:24,158 --> 01:42:30,118 and then not mean it so as a resident 2122 01:42:27,319 --> 01:42:33,319 who has never been involved in politics 2123 01:42:30,118 --> 01:42:35,479 I'm concerned I'm upset because I feel 2124 01:42:33,319 --> 01:42:38,599 like we got more the same we jumped from 2125 01:42:35,479 --> 01:42:40,678 the frying pan now we're in the fire and 2126 01:42:38,599 --> 01:42:43,440 what are we going to do we got people 2127 01:42:40,679 --> 01:42:44,679 Consulting attorneys because what you 2128 01:42:43,439 --> 01:42:47,719 did was 2129 01:42:44,679 --> 01:42:50,399 illegal I'm scared for our community so 2130 01:42:47,719 --> 01:42:54,118 I really do hope you guys will all take 2131 01:42:50,399 --> 01:42:56,719 this serious know that we are all Hing 2132 01:42:54,118 --> 01:43:01,799 and we want it to be made right however 2133 01:42:56,719 --> 01:43:01,800 that is so thank you for your time 2134 01:43:26,479 --> 01:43:32,598 what the first three weeks 2135 01:43:29,520 --> 01:43:35,840 huh um something I got two things I want 2136 01:43:32,599 --> 01:43:38,599 to touch on one is very apparent that 2137 01:43:35,840 --> 01:43:41,199 some laws were violated the Planning 2138 01:43:38,599 --> 01:43:42,760 Commission or the board Township Board 2139 01:43:41,198 --> 01:43:45,039 in an effort to remove members from the 2140 01:43:42,760 --> 01:43:47,159 Planning Commission were told by legal 2141 01:43:45,039 --> 01:43:53,920 council that they could not do 2142 01:43:47,158 --> 01:43:53,920 that so they established a non feance 2143 01:43:54,679 --> 01:43:59,840 and sent a letter out on behalf of the 2144 01:43:56,840 --> 01:44:03,279 Township Board there was no meeting 2145 01:43:59,840 --> 01:44:06,319 where this was discussed ruled upon 2146 01:44:03,279 --> 01:44:09,479 there's no meeting minutes so one of two 2147 01:44:06,319 --> 01:44:11,920 things happened a group of you met 2148 01:44:09,479 --> 01:44:14,479 independently violating the open 2149 01:44:11,920 --> 01:44:17,158 meetings act or the supervisor went 2150 01:44:14,479 --> 01:44:19,359 rogue and decided he was going to 2151 01:44:17,158 --> 01:44:22,799 violate and act on behalf of the 2152 01:44:19,359 --> 01:44:22,799 Township Board 2153 01:44:25,960 --> 01:44:30,239 which leads me to the second thing I 2154 01:44:27,359 --> 01:44:33,279 wanted to touch base 2155 01:44:30,238 --> 01:44:35,799 on I'd made mention specifically to some 2156 01:44:33,279 --> 01:44:38,198 of you about educating yourself and this 2157 01:44:35,800 --> 01:44:41,159 is exactly what I'm talking about you 2158 01:44:38,198 --> 01:44:43,198 know what you don't know and you made a 2159 01:44:41,158 --> 01:44:45,679 lot of false accusations on what you 2160 01:44:43,198 --> 01:44:47,759 don't know and you're learning now and I 2161 01:44:45,679 --> 01:44:51,440 hope you're embarrassed by some of 2162 01:44:47,760 --> 01:44:55,360 those I also want 2163 01:44:51,439 --> 01:44:57,879 you to really dive in to that points and 2164 01:44:55,359 --> 01:44:59,679 authorities from the MTA because our 2165 01:44:57,880 --> 01:45:03,880 Township is exposed financially right 2166 01:44:59,679 --> 01:45:03,880 now by lawsuits before you 2167 01:45:04,679 --> 01:45:12,000 go jumping the gun again educate 2168 01:45:08,560 --> 01:45:15,119 yourself open the book go to the Mt MTA 2169 01:45:12,000 --> 01:45:16,599 conferences go to the Mt MTA website 2170 01:45:15,118 --> 01:45:18,319 there's lots of valuable tools and 2171 01:45:16,599 --> 01:45:19,440 resources in there and the only reason 2172 01:45:18,319 --> 01:45:20,799 I'm saying it's because I care about 2173 01:45:19,439 --> 01:45:23,719 this Township and I don't want to see 2174 01:45:20,800 --> 01:45:26,279 you guys ruin and destroy the general 2175 01:45:23,719 --> 01:45:28,359 fund that we spent the last 14 plus 2176 01:45:26,279 --> 01:45:31,039 years building because it wasn't there 2177 01:45:28,359 --> 01:45:34,639 wasn't a general fund when I got here 2178 01:45:31,039 --> 01:45:39,158 and you guys in three weeks have got 2179 01:45:34,639 --> 01:45:41,359 that exposed so please educate yourself 2180 01:45:39,158 --> 01:45:41,359 thank 2181 01:45:50,960 --> 01:45:56,279 you Janette Letta tyone Township 2182 01:45:53,960 --> 01:45:59,359 resident I'd like everyone to know who 2183 01:45:56,279 --> 01:46:02,359 just spoke that was Mike Cunningham 2184 01:45:59,359 --> 01:46:05,799 previous supervisor he was not required 2185 01:46:02,359 --> 01:46:10,479 to uh say his name he always insisted 2186 01:46:05,800 --> 01:46:14,360 that we say our names when we come up 2187 01:46:10,479 --> 01:46:17,319 here this is also the man that looked at 2188 01:46:14,359 --> 01:46:20,719 me sorry but this this is the truth you 2189 01:46:17,319 --> 01:46:23,960 can go back and watch a video with Chuck 2190 01:46:20,719 --> 01:46:26,920 watching with Herman with the ladies 2191 01:46:23,960 --> 01:46:29,719 watching as I was shut down in public 2192 01:46:26,920 --> 01:46:32,599 comment and told you cannot speak any 2193 01:46:29,719 --> 01:46:36,079 longer and I said you had someone speak 2194 01:46:32,599 --> 01:46:38,279 14 minutes last meeting he said that was 2195 01:46:36,079 --> 01:46:40,359 a public hearing I said can you speak as 2196 01:46:38,279 --> 01:46:43,759 long as you want in a public hearing and 2197 01:46:40,359 --> 01:46:46,359 Chuck smirked on video and everybody 2198 01:46:43,760 --> 01:46:48,800 laughed and let him tell me that and 2199 01:46:46,359 --> 01:46:51,598 shut me down so that's who you just had 2200 01:46:48,800 --> 01:46:54,599 speak the same guy that was yelling at 2201 01:46:51,599 --> 01:46:57,480 me and telling me to go off myself Etc 2202 01:46:54,599 --> 01:46:59,599 as he left the parking lot last meeting 2203 01:46:57,479 --> 01:47:01,000 and told residents to shut up so that's 2204 01:46:59,599 --> 01:47:05,880 who just 2205 01:47:01,000 --> 01:47:08,639 spoke okay um the MMA just for clarity 2206 01:47:05,880 --> 01:47:10,760 because I I you know it drives me crazy 2207 01:47:08,639 --> 01:47:14,440 these meetings where you don't get the 2208 01:47:10,760 --> 01:47:18,360 real story out the uh medical 2209 01:47:14,439 --> 01:47:21,839 marijuana um uh application and the 2210 01:47:18,359 --> 01:47:24,479 ordinance related to it so last Planning 2211 01:47:21,840 --> 01:47:26,520 Commission meeting we said did it expire 2212 01:47:24,479 --> 01:47:29,638 guess what they told us it expired then 2213 01:47:26,520 --> 01:47:32,199 they're like uh no was it the uh 2214 01:47:29,639 --> 01:47:34,239 extractive one that expired no that one 2215 01:47:32,198 --> 01:47:36,039 didn't expire but the MMA one did so 2216 01:47:34,238 --> 01:47:39,039 nobody knew so I came here thinking 2217 01:47:36,039 --> 01:47:43,079 tonight that the MMA one expired find 2218 01:47:39,039 --> 01:47:46,599 out no it was the other one so you ask 2219 01:47:43,079 --> 01:47:48,920 if they're working on it guess what it's 2220 01:47:46,599 --> 01:47:53,520 been what three six months that we've 2221 01:47:48,920 --> 01:47:56,319 had that particular um uh sorry not 2222 01:47:53,520 --> 01:48:00,560 ordinance but um moratorium moratorium 2223 01:47:56,319 --> 01:48:05,519 yes and they haven't worked on it so you 2224 01:48:00,560 --> 01:48:07,159 talk about being being liable Etc 2225 01:48:05,520 --> 01:48:08,840 they've known that we're supposed to be 2226 01:48:07,158 --> 01:48:11,679 working on this it's not been on an 2227 01:48:08,840 --> 01:48:11,679 agenda for 2228 01:48:12,000 --> 01:48:17,520 months so how how is that right and then 2229 01:48:15,359 --> 01:48:19,359 we just gloss over it and pretend oh 2230 01:48:17,520 --> 01:48:21,320 yeah we're working on it no they have 2231 01:48:19,359 --> 01:48:24,759 not been working on it let's be clear 2232 01:48:21,319 --> 01:48:24,759 they have not been 2233 01:48:33,000 --> 01:48:37,118 sorry I just want to say what I believe 2234 01:48:35,479 --> 01:48:39,559 many others in this community would like 2235 01:48:37,118 --> 01:48:41,079 to say and by the way if any of you have 2236 01:48:39,560 --> 01:48:43,159 ever attended a Planning Commission 2237 01:48:41,079 --> 01:48:45,118 meeting um at the county level guess 2238 01:48:43,158 --> 01:48:47,198 what they do they're like hey who's here 2239 01:48:45,118 --> 01:48:49,000 from Tyrone Township hey could we could 2240 01:48:47,198 --> 01:48:51,439 you talk yeah tell us a little bit it 2241 01:48:49,000 --> 01:48:54,039 went so smoothly it was so nice it was 2242 01:48:51,439 --> 01:48:56,399 so refreshing and and to say and make 2243 01:48:54,039 --> 01:48:58,519 that impression that we can't do that we 2244 01:48:56,399 --> 01:48:59,799 absolutely can do that a lot of the 2245 01:48:58,520 --> 01:49:02,760 things that you guys have talked about 2246 01:48:59,800 --> 01:49:05,119 tonight are recommendations by the MTA 2247 01:49:02,760 --> 01:49:07,360 which is a lobbyist group and they tell 2248 01:49:05,118 --> 01:49:10,118 you that right on their on their website 2249 01:49:07,359 --> 01:49:13,198 we are lobbyists so yes they do a lot of 2250 01:49:10,118 --> 01:49:16,598 good work but they also have an agenda 2251 01:49:13,198 --> 01:49:19,879 as well many in this community probably 2252 01:49:16,599 --> 01:49:19,880 feel that they cannot say 2253 01:49:20,439 --> 01:49:24,598 this the people of this Township spoke 2254 01:49:22,960 --> 01:49:26,319 loudly and clearly during the last 2255 01:49:24,599 --> 01:49:28,960 election and made their choice and yet 2256 01:49:26,319 --> 01:49:31,399 tonight that choice has been disregarded 2257 01:49:28,960 --> 01:49:33,560 So the appointment feels like a betrayal 2258 01:49:31,399 --> 01:49:35,719 of the voter's trust especially when 2259 01:49:33,560 --> 01:49:36,800 there were other qualified candidates 2260 01:49:35,719 --> 01:49:38,960 who could have brought fresh 2261 01:49:36,800 --> 01:49:42,920 perspectives and A Renewed sense of 2262 01:49:38,960 --> 01:49:45,198 confidence to this Rule and Mr KS you 2263 01:49:42,920 --> 01:49:48,239 need to clarify that you did not speak 2264 01:49:45,198 --> 01:49:50,719 to everybody because you said and led it 2265 01:49:48,238 --> 01:49:53,519 with saying that you spoke to everyone 2266 01:49:50,719 --> 01:49:55,760 that applied for that position on the 2267 01:49:53,520 --> 01:49:58,040 Planning 2268 01:49:55,760 --> 01:49:59,960 Commission and don't look at me with a 2269 01:49:58,039 --> 01:50:01,800 question I have the person that's right 2270 01:49:59,960 --> 01:50:05,679 here can stand up and say that they 2271 01:50:01,800 --> 01:50:05,679 never received a call or anything from 2272 01:50:06,198 --> 01:50:10,719 you so um what I'm going to do instead 2273 01:50:08,880 --> 01:50:12,639 of reading this I am going to be writing 2274 01:50:10,719 --> 01:50:14,480 a detailed accounting about what I've 2275 01:50:12,639 --> 01:50:17,039 endured personally as a resident of this 2276 01:50:14,479 --> 01:50:20,000 Township and the reason I'm going to do 2277 01:50:17,039 --> 01:50:23,719 that is because if I can be treated this 2278 01:50:20,000 --> 01:50:26,800 way then anybody can be treated this way 2279 01:50:23,719 --> 01:50:30,399 and like the woman that spoke before yes 2280 01:50:26,800 --> 01:50:33,560 we did look forward to change and it's 2281 01:50:30,399 --> 01:50:35,598 really disappointing to see that 2282 01:50:33,560 --> 01:50:38,039 everything that you bra talked about 2283 01:50:35,599 --> 01:50:40,920 transparency Etc I mean it just seems 2284 01:50:38,039 --> 01:50:42,679 like it's all getting squal and I don't 2285 01:50:40,920 --> 01:50:44,279 know somebody's whispering in your ear 2286 01:50:42,679 --> 01:50:47,039 telling you not to do certain things I 2287 01:50:44,279 --> 01:50:49,279 don't know what it is but I also think 2288 01:50:47,039 --> 01:50:51,880 that some clarity should be brought out 2289 01:50:49,279 --> 01:50:53,158 about what happened with you presenting 2290 01:50:51,880 --> 01:50:55,400 that letter 2291 01:50:53,158 --> 01:50:58,039 and did you talk to other board members 2292 01:50:55,399 --> 01:50:59,879 maybe not Jennifer maybe not Pam but did 2293 01:50:58,039 --> 01:51:03,118 you talk to other board members about 2294 01:50:59,880 --> 01:51:04,719 this did you guys have discussions about 2295 01:51:03,118 --> 01:51:07,559 things that you wanted to get done and 2296 01:51:04,719 --> 01:51:09,000 this was the way to go did other board 2297 01:51:07,560 --> 01:51:10,960 members say that they thought the whole 2298 01:51:09,000 --> 01:51:13,000 Planning Commission should be gotten rid 2299 01:51:10,960 --> 01:51:15,118 of and now they're 2300 01:51:13,000 --> 01:51:18,479 backtracking it's just not fair how this 2301 01:51:15,118 --> 01:51:21,158 is being handled so hey I might do some 2302 01:51:18,479 --> 01:51:23,638 foas I don't know but I think that a lot 2303 01:51:21,158 --> 01:51:25,399 of this needs to be brought to light 2304 01:51:23,639 --> 01:51:29,199 so again I'm sure everyone's sick of 2305 01:51:25,399 --> 01:51:31,960 hearing me talk but I will be publishing 2306 01:51:29,198 --> 01:51:35,759 what and and you know and also Greg I 2307 01:51:31,960 --> 01:51:38,920 ask and beg of you Greg to take control 2308 01:51:35,760 --> 01:51:41,719 of this room to allow a man in the back 2309 01:51:38,920 --> 01:51:43,599 to yell at me and call me an idiot I 2310 01:51:41,719 --> 01:51:45,639 mean it doesn't surprise me that nobody 2311 01:51:43,599 --> 01:51:48,719 said anything you never complained when 2312 01:51:45,639 --> 01:51:53,359 the last board member what he said about 2313 01:51:48,719 --> 01:51:55,960 me so please take control of this 2314 01:51:53,359 --> 01:51:58,479 meeting and please stand up for the 2315 01:51:55,960 --> 01:52:02,319 residents and do what you promised 2316 01:51:58,479 --> 01:52:02,319 during your campaign thank 2317 01:52:18,880 --> 01:52:27,039 you Dean Cipher Walnut Shores um I just 2318 01:52:22,599 --> 01:52:29,960 just want to say that I am 2319 01:52:27,039 --> 01:52:33,840 disappointed that there are four new 2320 01:52:29,960 --> 01:52:37,118 people on the board and the people out 2321 01:52:33,840 --> 01:52:40,239 here did vote for new 2322 01:52:37,118 --> 01:52:42,839 people and when we have the chance to 2323 01:52:40,238 --> 01:52:45,718 put somebody on the Planning 2324 01:52:42,840 --> 01:52:49,480 Commission nothing against Zach but we 2325 01:52:45,719 --> 01:52:51,880 put somebody back in a spot that has 2326 01:52:49,479 --> 01:52:54,359 already been here there's residents out 2327 01:52:51,880 --> 01:52:56,840 here that worked very hard to 2328 01:52:54,359 --> 01:53:00,479 elect all of these new 2329 01:52:56,840 --> 01:53:02,599 people and I just I really feel that a 2330 01:53:00,479 --> 01:53:06,118 new applicant should have been 2331 01:53:02,599 --> 01:53:09,279 considered instead of same old same old 2332 01:53:06,118 --> 01:53:11,479 so and I agree with what Janette just 2333 01:53:09,279 --> 01:53:14,118 said about there needs to be some 2334 01:53:11,479 --> 01:53:15,839 clarity brought to the situation that 2335 01:53:14,118 --> 01:53:19,719 went on with the Planning 2336 01:53:15,840 --> 01:53:22,599 Commission because you know what went on 2337 01:53:19,719 --> 01:53:27,118 with that 2338 01:53:22,599 --> 01:53:27,119 and it needs to be explained thank 2339 01:53:31,078 --> 01:53:34,319 you yes 2340 01:53:39,279 --> 01:53:46,039 John John Ward Tyrone Township resident 2341 01:53:43,319 --> 01:53:48,719 Planning Commission chairman um in 2342 01:53:46,039 --> 01:53:50,158 regards to the uh ex the moratoriums in 2343 01:53:48,719 --> 01:53:54,078 place there was a little bit of 2344 01:53:50,158 --> 01:53:56,799 confusion at the last um uh uh Planning 2345 01:53:54,078 --> 01:53:59,679 Commission meeting last Tuesday um you 2346 01:53:56,800 --> 01:54:02,079 know it's it's the board's duty to to 2347 01:53:59,679 --> 01:54:05,840 set a moratorium and to renew it if 2348 01:54:02,078 --> 01:54:07,399 needed um and I think I did misstate 2349 01:54:05,840 --> 01:54:09,319 during the meeting for for a minute that 2350 01:54:07,399 --> 01:54:11,439 the that the mo the extractive 2351 01:54:09,319 --> 01:54:14,198 industrial was about to expire which 2352 01:54:11,439 --> 01:54:16,638 that one did expire but for my 2353 01:54:14,198 --> 01:54:19,638 calculations um from the June 2354 01:54:16,639 --> 01:54:21,840 18th um board meeting minutes there was 2355 01:54:19,639 --> 01:54:24,400 a moratorium in place that takes place 2356 01:54:21,840 --> 01:54:26,639 that day right right M that that was uh 2357 01:54:24,399 --> 01:54:28,479 June 18th and that was 180 day 2358 01:54:26,639 --> 01:54:31,000 moratorium so that one expired 2 days 2359 01:54:28,479 --> 01:54:34,678 ago that's just my calculation so if you 2360 01:54:31,000 --> 01:54:36,158 need to read um reword your resolution I 2361 01:54:34,679 --> 01:54:38,199 don't know but that that was my 2362 01:54:36,158 --> 01:54:42,559 calculations I kind of did it quick so 2363 01:54:38,198 --> 01:54:44,359 please verify that 2364 01:54:42,560 --> 01:54:47,639 um um 2365 01:54:44,359 --> 01:54:49,039 that's and I as far as um zap Tucker on 2366 01:54:47,639 --> 01:54:50,880 the Planning Commission Greg you did 2367 01:54:49,039 --> 01:54:52,840 call me and and we discussed that and I 2368 01:54:50,880 --> 01:54:54,400 think he's a good appointment it's very 2369 01:54:52,840 --> 01:54:56,599 very important to have a good legal 2370 01:54:54,399 --> 01:55:00,679 knowledge you know we got to know the 2371 01:54:56,599 --> 01:55:05,199 laws the Michigan zoning Act and the um 2372 01:55:00,679 --> 01:55:06,520 Michigan planning act um and I don't 2373 01:55:05,198 --> 01:55:08,359 someone mentioned before he was a 2374 01:55:06,520 --> 01:55:10,360 previous applicant I I'm not aware that 2375 01:55:08,359 --> 01:55:12,279 he was a previous applicant for the 2376 01:55:10,359 --> 01:55:15,880 Planning Commission I mean he was on the 2377 01:55:12,279 --> 01:55:17,679 board before but um I think that was um 2378 01:55:15,880 --> 01:55:21,719 a good choice and welcome him to the 2379 01:55:17,679 --> 01:55:21,719 Planning Commission thank you 2380 01:55:29,359 --> 01:55:34,559 no one 2381 01:55:31,439 --> 01:55:39,158 else all right 2382 01:55:34,560 --> 01:55:41,599 I like a motion to adjourn I make a 2383 01:55:39,158 --> 01:55:46,839 motion one 2384 01:55:41,599 --> 01:55:46,840 second all in favor I 2385 01:55:52,970 --> 01:55:56,109 [Music] 2386 01:55:57,840 --> 01:56:02,400 yeah well that was good 2387 01:56:09,270 --> 01:56:16,609 [Music] 2388 01:56:22,649 --> 01:56:25,728 [Music] 2389 01:56:51,520 --> 01:56:54,239 oh I know that 2390 01:56:54,279 --> 01:56:57,279 always